Six Sentence Sunday: ACE in the Hole #sixsunday

I’ve decided to take one of my erotic short stories and self publish it with Smashwords. I even dug out my old copy of Paint Shop Pro and downloaded some images to work with from I haven’t done graphics work in a while. I have to say, I really enjoyed it.

Anyway, here is my six sentences– from ACE in the Hole, my soon to be published erotic e-book.

The unlikely pair stepped out into the brisk night air. A sleek black limo pulled up to the curb, as if the driver knew when they would emerge.

 Marley lifted a brow. She didn’t know many geeks with stretch limos. A tingle ran along her flesh. Jackpot.

About Bex Brennan

I never know what to put here. I assume something witty to make you think I'm interesting. But, Im just me -- a published erotica writer, single parent with a day job. I love my kids, writing, my boyfriend (life partner sounds ridiculous), my dog and going to camp on the weekends. *shrugs* That's all I got for ya.

Posted on October 16, 2011, in #sixsunday, ACE in the Hole, erotic sci-fi, Erotica, Fiction, My Writing, Six Sentence Sunday and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. Hey cool! I’ll keep my eyes open for when that’s out.
    So how easy is it to self publish in such a way? I was going to try it but, essentially; I chickened out, saying the piece isn’t ready.


  2. I need to hit the jackpot and find a geek with a stretch limo! Or at least willing to buy me dinner on a regular basis.

    Great six; they show a lot of characterization.


  3. Thanks for the comments. I really dont know how easy or worthwhile the self pub thing is yet, since is the first time I am trying it. I do know it is relatively free. Although, you will be doing your own marketing, which is tricky at best. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.


  4. “Now I ain’t sayin she a golddigger, uh, but…” LOL


  5. Good luck on the self-publishing! 🙂


  6. I LOVE that cover!! Pill HIll should have commissioned YOU for their cover. The snippet is rather tantalizing too.


  7. Love the cover! I didn’t know you had Panit Shop Pro. I love that program! Let us know when Ace gets released!


  8. Geeks ALWAYS have the limos!!


  9. Good luck with self publishing! Nice little snippet. 🙂


  10. In my experience, the geeks are the only ones who can afford the limos, lol. Thanks for sharing!


  11. Best of luck with the self-pub. Know many who are doing the same right now. 🙂

    Really enjoyed the snippet, too. Hopefully the geek isn’t a freak. Haha.


  12. Whew, jackpot indeed, hehe *wink-wink!* Good luck with smashwords, this is a good story so I hope it does well. 😀


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