Make Believe Blog Tour: A Interview with Contributing Author, J.A. Belfield

Continuing with my Blog Tour posts for the MAKE BELIEVE Blog Tour, today I have managed to snag an interview with author, J.A. Belfield. Her story, Escort to Insanity is the featured tale in the anthology.

To see my full review of the anthology, go HERE.

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by, Ms. Belfield. I’ll try not to ply you with too many questions (yeah, right).

Which of the characters in your current release is your favorite? Why?

Ack. I dunno. I mean, I love Benjamin and Cole. Love how they gel and that they kind of get thrust together through circumstance beyond their control. But, if I were to look at the characters on a long term potential basis, I’d have to say I also love Cole’s best friend and housemate Kellie, for the light relief I know she’ll bring to intense aftermaths, and Rufus King, for the trouble I suspect he’d be capable of causing for the duo. 😉

Are any of your characters modeled after real people?  If so, which ones?

Never. I sometimes study relationship dynamics and translate those to the page, but I never totally base a character on someone I know. It wouldn’t be fair. Though I did get pretty close in Blue Moon, my novel that just released, when a friend’s daughter asked me for a part in the book, so I made a character look like her and stole her name—but I’d never do that for a big part character who’s personality needs portraying to the max.

Morning person or grumpy bear?

Grumpy bear. Just ask my kids if you don’t believe me. And never expect conversation pre-caffeine.

Actually, the worst times are when Mr B decides we’re going to wake up at stupid o’clock to go on holiday so we’ll miss the traffic, and he wakes up all bubbly and excited and hyper and so damn annoying to someone who can only just about manage grunts and scowls and a whole lotta lip curling.

What is the one thing about the book publishing process that has surprised you the most?

I think the biggest surprise (and most likely not just to me) is discovering just how hard it is to gain a ‘reach’, to get that ball rolling so that folk are taking enough notice of your work to start spreading the word, and those folk start spreading the word, and so on and so on. It’s a domino run you need to make bigger, but getting hold of the dominos you need is the tricky bit. Once that starts happening, though, it’s pretty awesome. So persevere. No matter how big this obstacle seems.

What is next for you?

Well, I’m mostly known for writing the Holloway Pack series, and my short story for the Make Believe anthology was more of a side project for a change of scenery. However, although I still have a few Holloway Pack titles to write, I will admit I’m intrigued enough about Benjamin and Cole from Escort to Insanity that the early drip feed of ideas has started trickling through for a trilogy for the two of them. And it’s no secret, I’m also itching to try my hand at some YA. 🙂

Do you have any unique skills or talents? If so, what?

I can still do cartwheels at age 40. Does that count?

What is the oddest question you’ve been asked with respect to your story?

I haven’t had anything wonky for Escort to Insanity, but I have been asked a few times by peeps I know who’ve read Darkness & Light if I’ve based all of the intimate scenes on personal experience. They ask Mr B, too. His answer: Yep. My answer: O_o

Tell us something about your story in Make Believe we won’t find in the back cover blurb?

Um … it has way more paranormal elements than the blurb leads you to believe. But, hey, this is one of my stories we’re talking about. 😉

Here is the skinny on Ms. Belfield’s story, ESCORT TO INSANITY

Blurb:  From a charity auction, to a stroll in the park, to the craziest night of her life. Nicole Harrington can’t help but wonder how a simple event went so drastically wrong.

Of course, the male escort she booked is wholly to blame. Not only charming but shrewdly intelligent, Benjamin Gold drags Nicole into a platoon of unimaginable problems—ones from which she’ll have to find the courage just to survive.

Author Bio: One day, a character and scene popped into J. A. Belfield’s head, and she started controlling the little people inside her imagination, as though she were the puppet master and they her toys. Questions arose: What would happen if …? How would they react if …? Who would they meet if …? Before she knew it, a singular scene had become an entire movie. The characters she controlled began to hold conversations. Their actions reflected the personalities she bestowed upon them. Within no time, they had a life, a lover, a foe, family … they had Become.

One day, she wrote down her thoughts. She’s yet to stop.

J. A. Belfield lives in Solihull, England, with her husband, two children, three cats and a dog. She writes paranormal romance, with a second love for urban fantasy.

Stalking Links:

J.A. Belfield Blog Bookaroo-Ju Blog | Twitter Facebook Website

About Bex Brennan

I never know what to put here. I assume something witty to make you think I'm interesting. But, Im just me -- a published erotica writer, single parent with a day job. I love my kids, writing, my boyfriend (life partner sounds ridiculous), my dog and going to camp on the weekends. *shrugs* That's all I got for ya.

Posted on December 14, 2012, in Anthologies, Author Interview, Authors, Blog Tours, Book Promotion, Fantasy, Fiction, J. Taylor Publishing and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. Thanking ye VERY kindly for letting me hog your blog today. 😀


  2. Grumpy bear, huh? You wouldn’t want to be around me in the morning then. 🙂


  3. cartwheels! 😀 You GO, girl! 😎


  4. I’m with you as far as mornings go, J. A.. As for the cartwheels, I couldn’t even do them when I was 10, so good for YOU! 🙂


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