Category Archives: Paranormal Romance

Character Interview: Jake Morris from SHRAPNEL by Stephanie Lawton @EvernightTeen #UpperYA

Welcome back to the blog. Today I have a special treat for you all — an interview with Jake Morris, one of the main characters from Stephanie Lawton’s newest YA release, SHRAPNEL.

teen-shrapnel4Jake is a pretty blunt guy. Just the way I like em, so I’ll forgo the fluff and get right to the questions.

Can you tell us your name and the title of the book you live in? 

I’m Jake Morris, and the book was originally called Surrender, but got changed to Shrapnel.

Describe to our readers your role in the book. 

I’m seventeen, and I guess I’m the romantic underdog. I prefer the term ladies’ man, but whatever. I’m also empathic, so there’s that.

How did you convince your author to put you in this book? For example, did you visit a dream or make yourself known some other way?

Heh, I showed up in the shower. Granted, there were a couple other characters that also showed up, but we all know she likes me best. And may I just say, MILF.

Is your author easy to work with or controlling? 

Who, Steph? She’s awesome. I mean, yeah, she put me through some crappy stuff, but she surrounded me with hot chicks, fed me bacon and gave me some damn hilarious lines in the book. What’s not to love?

Would you tell us about one of your favorite friends from this book? 

Hmm, I guess she’s a friend, though I’d really like more, but her name is Dylan, short for Dylanie. She’s a really cool chick. Hot as hell, but really funny, too, and she knows what she wants. Plus, she slaps me on the ass, so I’m her friend for life.

What would you like our readers to know about you? 

I’m not a complete freak. I mean, yeah, I have these weird abilities, and they sometimes make me do weird things and have epic freak-outs in front of packed movie theaters, but if you put that aside, I’m still a normal guy. I notice when you give me the side-eye or move to the other side of the hall. It hurts and it blows.

Did you learn anything during your adventure in this book?

Holy shit, did I ever! I learned how to … wait, I can’t give that part away. I also learned that girls … crap. I can’t give that away either. Okay, here’s something I can spill. I learned that looks can be deceiving. Oh, and that I love black lace underwear. *grins*

Can you tell us what you think is the most exciting thing that happened to you in your book?

You wouldn’t believe me if I did. You’ll have to read the book.

Introduce us to your main adversary?

Well, in some ways, I’m my own worst enemy, but overall, the guy’s name is Jackson. He’s a ghost from the Civil War that makes all of our lives hell. He hates me because I’m competition for Dylan, plus I know a lot about Civil War history and I’m a major threat to his plans and secrets.

Is there anything you would like to have done but your author stopped you?

Dude, I was in a house with two hot chicks. What do you think? Granted, I really only wanted one of them, but still. This is the stuff dreams are made of.

Here’s your chance to speak your mind. What do you want to tell everybody?

I’m not crazy. Also, I’m a damn good kisser. I read can your emotions so I know if what I’m doing is working or not and adjust. Pretty wicked, right?

Flash questions:

  • Craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Freaked out in front of a packed movie theater filled with everyone I know from school, including the girl I was crushing on. I don’t remember it, but they said I jumped over a couple rows of seats before I fell down the stairs.

  • Biggest regret?

I let things go too far at the end of the book. I should have stepped in way earlier and not let Dylan do what she did.

  • If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be, where, and why?

Hmm, when I turn eighteen I’d like to start some sleeves. On one arm I’d get representations of all the emotions I get from people, and on the other arm, I’d put representations of all the ways I’m able to help them. You know, like fear on one arm, and a guiding hand on the other. Or love on one arm, and two hearts joined on the other. Pretty mushy, huh?

  • Favorite book?

The Complete Poems of Christina Rosetti

  • Someone asks you to go skydiving. What’s your answer?

Oh, hell yeah!

  • If they were to name a crayon color after you, what would it be?

Emo Orange

  • Were you easy or hard to write?

Easy. I’m the guy version of her.

  • Absolute worst thing you’ve ever done?

I scared the crap out of my parents. I didn’t mean to, but they didn’t know what was wrong with me or how to fix it. I think they lost a lot of sleep and my mom totally dyes her hair to cover the gray. (She’s going to kill me for telling you that!)

  • Detail about yourself that’s not in your book?

I kick ass at Guitar Hero.

There ya have it. Thanks so much Jake. If the ladies weren’t interested in you before, they sure are now.

If you want to get your hands on a copy of SHRAPNEL, here are the BUY Links: