Category Archives: Paranormal Romance

Six Sentence Sunday: Just a Few Wedding Day Jitters #sixsunday

Welcome back to another Six Sentence Sunday.  Since I am still in the process of querying The Call of the Sea, I decided to stick with the tale for another weekly posting. This week we get a peak at Daniel as he prepares to wed Ellie.

Daniel stood beside the vicar with Nelson and tried to keep his breathing slow and even. He watched the door to the captain’s quarters so intently his eyes watered. His weight shifted left to right as he adjusted his cravat for the third time in the past minute. What if she changes her mind?

“Would you relax,” Nelson whispered, poking Daniel in the rib with an bony elbow. “Your fidgeting is making me nervous.”

Thanks for visiting 🙂  Your comments and feedback are always welcome.

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