Category Archives: Historical Romance

Happy Book Birthday to CALL OF THE SEA by Rebecca Hart (@Rebelhart69) – Hey, that’s me! #romance #pirate #irishLore

Im over the moon excited to announce that CALL OF THE SEA, my debut romance novel, is available from Roane Publishing starting today.

The novel has a snazzy new cover and an expanded ending, so if you read it when it first came out, it may be time to check it out again. I also have some review copies available, so if you would like one, just drop me a note.

Here are all the release details:

CalloftheSea-eBook_CVRGenre: Historical Paranormal Romance
Release Date: September 21, 2015

Keywords: Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance, shapeshifter, selkie, Pirates, Irish Lore, 17th Century Romance, Sea Stories

Description: Elysandra Winters has always yearned for a life of adventure on the rolling seas and is willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill her dream. When her Privateer father continually refuses to allow his only daughter to sail, Ellie defies him, disguises herself as a boy, and goes in search of a captain who will give her a chance to prove her worth.

Thanks to the cursed selkie blood coursing through his veins, Daniel O’Rourke needs the sea to survive. After giving up on his humanity and spending three years in seal form, he decides to give his human side another chance. Daniel goes in search of a job and a sense of normalcy, earning himself a position aboard Captain Winter’s ship, The Siren’s Call. However, his new captain’s first assignment has nothing at all to do with sailing, and everything to do with his headstrong young daughter.

Years later, when the leader of a band of bloodthirsty pirates murders Captain Winters, Daniel and Elysandra’s lives come crashing back together with the force of a hurricane. Both experts in deception, they must find a way to trust each other in order to quell the raging storm between them, and have any hope of hunting down the captain’s killer.

Get Your Copy Here:

Roane Publishing (Print and Digital)

Also available at these fine retailers:

Createspace (Best Option)

Amazon (UK)
Barnes and Noble (Coming Soon)

All Romance eBooks
Kobo (Coming Soon)

Cover Reveal: Love’s Revenge by Terri Rochenski (@TerriRochenski) #HistoricalRomance #MeansofMercy #CoverLove

Happy Monday, boys and girls. Welcome. Hello. Pull up a beanbag chair or cop a squat. I’ve got a new cover to share with you! If you know me, you know how happy that prospect makes me. I just love covers. I know you aren’t supposed to judge, but, oh… do I judge. I would guess about 80% of my book purchased are influenced in some fashion by the cover. Truth. I freely admit it.

Well, this one I just ADORE. Really.

The cover I have today is for Terri Rochenski’s latest historical romance, LOVE’S REVENGE. If you read the first novel in the series, LOVE’s SORROW, then you’re anxiously awaiting the release of this one right along with me.  I had such a book hangover when I finished SORROW … just a bit longer to know what happens next!!

Here’s the cover and the story blurb for LOVE’S REVENGE, Means of Mercy Book Two.


 Love’s Revenge

Means of Mercy #2
By: Terri Rochenski
Publisher: Roane Publishing
Release Date: January 26, 2015
Keywords: Historical Romance, Sweet, Series

Description: Embittered by betrayal, Anne MacKay flees London for America, where she learns she’s pregnant with her abusive husband’s longed-for heir. In a society that doesn’t protect, or afford a well-to-do wife’s desire for divorce, Anne decides there is one way to exact revenge: deny the father any knowledge of his child.

Sought after by her husband’s henchmen, Anne travels by rail and horseback, far from civilization where silk and stays are worn, let alone thought of. Lies and deceit protect her identity for a time, allowing her to birth—and grow to love—the child who was supposed to be her vengeance.

With the help of her loyal and protective business partner, Jude Connagher, and the ranch hands in their Montana Territory valley, Anne attempts to rebuild her life under the shadow of her husband’s wrath.

One unwise decision lands Anne in her pursuers’ clutches, tearing her from the ranch, her child, and her growing love for the one man who could redeem her from bitterness. She’s left with no choice but to finally face her husband, knowing her freedom and life hang in the balance.

* * * * *

Add the second installment of the Means of Mercy series, LOVE’S REVENGE to your Goodreads TBR pile today!


Tracey Hanlon Photography

About the Author:

Terri started writing stories in the eighth grade when a little gnome whispered in her brain. Gundi’s Great Adventure never hit the best seller list, but it started a long love affair with storytelling.

Today she enjoys an escape to Middle Earth during the rare ‘me’ moments her three young children allow. When not potty training or kissing boo-boos, she can be found sprawled on the couch with a book or pencil in hand, and toothpicks propping her eyelids open.

Happy Release Day to Raven McAllan and Nash’s Niche #GuestPost #Historical #Romance #erotic

I’m happy to have the chance to share a new release with you today. New, is in TODAY! So, first off, big congrats to the author, Raven McAllan on the release of her latest historical with Evernight Publishing, NASH’S NICHE. Even as busy as she is with all the new release buzz, Raven has been kind enough to swing by today to tell you a little bit about the story. 

So without further ado, here’s Raven:

Thanks so much for inviting me over. Oh you invited Raven not me? Ah, then please accept my apologies. When Raven told me this opportunity was on the cards, I decided to hijack this and give you an insight about me. After all I know me better than anyone. Even Raven, and she’s privy to most of my secrets.

Oh I forgot, you don’t know who I am. I’m Nash Gretton, third son of The Earl of Brigstock, and the hero *blush* of Nash’s niche. Well *reflective* I hope I’m the hero, however that’s up to you to judge.

So where was I? Oh yes, little known or unknown facts about Nash. Well I never ever admitted it, not with a sister like Cecilia, but how I never threw up when she waved worms in my face I don’t know. I hate them, horrible, wriggly, slimy, Argh. *Shudder* And don’t think I mean only when we were children. She’s still not adverse to playing tricks like that. Mind you I do have my ways of getting back at her. Sadly, Felicity is all for women’s rights and individuality, and says it’s my sister role in life to keep me grounded and not to get too big for my boots. But you know with a woman like Felicity in my life not to feel I’m the luckiest man alive is very difficult.

And let’s see? Oh yes I can touch my nose with my tongue. So useful *laugh*,  I hate eggs, love homemade hedgerow jam and can beat Perry at Croquet. Randall can drink me under the table, and Harry was put on this earth to make me worry.

How’s that?

Oh and without Felicity my life would be an empty shell. It wasn’t an easy courtship or well, no. No more. Here’s Raven’s blurb for our story, and a little excerpt for you.


Nash’s Niche
by Raven McAllan

Publisher: Evernight Publishing

Genre: Historical Erotic Romance


A chance meeting at a masked ball leads to explosive and unforgettable sex for both Nash and Felicity.

Reunited under dangerous circumstances, they realize they may have to fight for their love, especially when Felicity is promised to Nash’s brother.

With the future of the country at stake and unsure who to trust, can there be a future for the star stuck lovers?

And a wee tease… (Mature Audiences Only)

He wriggled his nose. The chair was all fine and dandy, but he needed his bed. With a sigh Nash toed his house shoes off, and looked at his pantaloons. They were knitted and stretched to fit the contours of his body. Therefore in theory they should pull down even over his still hard cock. It was no good; once he was able to rest in comfort he would have to take himself in hand. However, before then…

He struggled to his feet and with one hand to anchor him steady, he used his other to pull the garment over his cock and arse and thence down his legs. Once they gathered around his ankles, Nash used his feet to tug the pantaloons off and stepped over them. His shirt could stay. That was one effort too much. He measured the distance to the bed. Two strides should do it.

The first stride worked. The second was slightly longer and had him wobbling, but it brought him to the edge of the mattress. He let his body fall forward.

Not onto the mattress, on to…

A body? He tried to see clearly. Two bodies? Surely not, not in his bed. He squinted, put his hand into the direction of where he thought one of the bodies could be, and patted flesh. Soft warm female flesh. His vision wavered and cleared enough to know it was one body…

It stirred. Nash levered himself to stand on the floor one more, loath to leave the soft comfort he’d found, but aware enough to know he needed to. He let his hand move to the left and drift up what he decided was a damn curvaceous thigh. If only he could see clearly just who had offered herself as his plaything. It would be best to have a face on the body he was about to fuck.

The body jerked as his fingers circled damp curls and he nipped her soft nub until it hardened in a beautiful mimicry of his cock. Then he let his fingers delve into the warm channel under them. The body tried to pull back even as a soft mewl showed him his ministrations were appreciated. Then he heard a scream, one that most certainly wasn’t a sound of pleasure.

“Do not move,” he said in a rough voice. He felt it only fair to warn whoever he was now filling with his fingers, and who he noted was writhing in time to his thrusts, that, “I have a weapon, and I will use it.”

* * * * *

Nash’s Niche is available from

Amazon, All Romance EBooks, and Bookstrand (links to come soon)

If you want to know more about Raven, here’s her nosy links,

raven avatarRaven lives in Scotland, along with her husband and their two cats—their children having flown the nest—surrounded by beautiful scenery, which inspires a lot of the settings in her books.

She is used to sharing her life with the occasional deer, red squirrel, and lost tourist, to say nothing of the scourge of Scotland—the midge.

A lover of reading, she appreciates the history inside a book, and the chance to peek into the lives of those from years ago. Raven admits that she enjoys the research for her books almost as much as the writing; so much so, that sometimes she realizes she’s strayed way past the information she needs to know, and not a paragraph has been added to her WIP.

Her lovely long-suffering husband is learning to love the dust bunnies, work the Aga, and be on stand-by with a glass of wine.

You can find out more about Raven here…

http:/ /        (my page)            (author page)

#SexySnippets: When the Master of the House Says No #Erotic #Romance #WIP

snippets button

That’s right blog followers, it is Sexy Snippets Sunday yet again, and since I managed to remember to sign up this week, I have seven steamy sentences to share with you today.

In an effort to spark my desire to write a bit more of this particular piece, I have decided to share seven sentences from a WIP I have going (one of many, as usual). The work doesn’t yet have a title, but it will be part of the new CATACOMBS series I have hatched in my dirty little brain.

Would love to know what you think.

“Where is she going?” Mister Chauncey asked.

“Helen told her to shadow me,” Alice cast a smile of reassurance at her [Justine]. “She said Justine should know what she’s getting herself into.”

“Did she now?” His slow, dark perusal swept over a nervous Justine from tip to toe, his eyes devouring her where she stood. “What if I say she isn’t ready, Alice?”

Alice lifted pale shoulders in a shrug. “Then she isn’t ready, sir.”

Thanks, as always, for stopping by and giving the snippet a read. I always appreciate the visits. Be sure to swing by the SEXY SNIPPETS site to find the list of this week’s participants and be sure to stop by and see them as well. You never know what you may find. Alternately, you can reach the Snippets site by clicking the banner at the top of the post.

See you next time 🙂