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Make Believe Blog Tour: An Interview with Contributing Author, Lynda R. Young

Welcome back for another posting for the MAKE BELIEVE (J. Taylor Publishing) Blog Tour. Today, we have Lynda R. Young with us for a little interview. Her story, < is part of the anthology. You can see my review of Lynda’s story, as well as the rest of the stories included in the anthology HERE.

First off, a big thank you to Lynda for taking the time  to stop in and visit with us today.

Now, on to the hard hitting interview questions… (not really)

Rebecca: Are you a pantser or a plotter?

Lynda: When I first started writing I fell in love with the romance of pantsing. I discovered the story and the characters as I wrote them. The romance faded when I realized how much I’d have to delete and edit and rewrite to get the stories even close to publishable. I’m now a plotter through and through.

Rebecca:  Do you have any writing rituals or special processes you complete before sitting down to write?

Lynda: I didn’t think I had any rituals, but now that I’m thinking about it, I tend to get a glass of water first, pat the cat, read my emails, then I’m set. I’ll go through the same ritual a number of times during the day.

Rebecca:  If you could only write in one genre for the rest of your career, what genre would you choose? Why?

Lynda: If I said the speculative genre, would that be cheating? Hehehe, I’m such a rebel. The reason I’d pick speculative is that it has so many sub-genres I’d never get bored! I love fantasy and science fiction equally as much, along with the majority of their sub-genres. There is such scope for stories there.

Rebecca:  I hear you there. I have a hard time pinning myself into a specific genre as well. Are any of your characters modeled after real people?  If so, which ones?

Lynda: My characters are never modeled after real people. Real people might inspire my work, but my characters tend to be a mish-mash created from real life, other stories, news reports, anywhere and everywhere.

 Rebecca:  I’m one of those writers who needs music to really get myself set to write. What music is on your playlist while writing your stories?

Lynda: The Dark Knight Soundtrack has been one of my favorites for a while now. It’s wonderfully emotive and keeps my fingers dancing across the keyboard. If I’m after something less robust, then I’ll listen to something from Enya or I’ll listen to Bali, an album by Jalan Jalan. It’s all instrumental so there aren’t any words to distract me from my writing.

Rebecca: Morning person or grumpy bear?

Lynda: I’m definitely not a morning person. Maybe that’s why I write best in the mornings. Leave me alone to my writing in the mornings, and the day is a good one—for everyone 😉

Rebecca: Sounds a bit familiar *grins* What is the one thing about the book publishing process that has surprised you the most?

Lynda: The amount of work required to get it right. I think being an author is one of the hardest jobs in the world. We might not get filthy, we might not get physically exhausted, but writing requires a level of mental endurance and persistence that’s close to herculean. It’s not a job that can be done in a half-hearted way.

Rebecca: So very true!! I’m curious. What group were you a part of in High School? Jocks? Nerds? Metal heads?

Lynda: I was a nerd. I loved my books and I loved my video games before they became cool to play.

Rebecca:  As a reformed gaming addict, I completely understand. Do you have any unique skills or talents? If so, what?

Lynda: I can be both really observant, yet completely oblivious. My friends tease me by saying they could drive a truck through the house and I wouldn’t notice. I call that a talent.

Rebecca: Coke or Pepsi?

Lynda: Neither, but it used to be coke. Put two teaspoons of sugar in coke and it tastes exactly like Pepsi. Shudder…

Rebecca: Nobody drinks soda nowadays. I’m starting to wonder how Coke and Pepsi stay in business. Let’s move to clothing…If I were to look in your closet right now, would I find frills and lace or demin and tees?

Lynda: You’d find both, but I’m mainly a denim and tee girl. I love to keep it simple.

A lady after my own heart, there. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping in and chatting with us Lynda.

Here is the Back of the Book description of Lynda’s story, BIRTHRIGHT

BLURB: Christa can mask the pain and hide the scars, but running from a birthright is impossible. 

She’s tried to escape her grief by fleeing to a small town in Florida. Much to her frustration, the locals think they recognize her even though she’s never been there before. To make things worse, a man named Jack spouts outrageous theories about her.

Both spur Christa to bolt, to start fresh yet again, but there’s something about Jack that intrigues her enough to stay. The only problem? Someone else wants her to leave, and they won’t stop until she’s dead.

Author Bio:

Lynda lives in Sydney, Australia, with her sweetheart of a husband who is her rock, and a cat who believes world domination starts in the home. Lynda has an adventurous spirit and has traveled the world. As a chaser of dreams, she found success as a digital artist and an animator, and now as a writer of speculative short stories. She is currently writing novels for young adults. In her spare time she also dabbles in photography and all things creative.

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Make Believe Blog Tour: An Interview with Contributing Author, J. Keller Ford

Thanks for stopping in. As always 🙂

Today we continue with the Make Believe Tour posts with an interview with another of the fantastic contributing authors, J. Keller Ford.  Her story, The Amulet of Ormisez is the second story in the anthology.

For my full review of all the stories  CLICK HERE.

Now, on with the good part — getting to know J. Keller Ford. Thanks so much for agreeing to stop by. Let’s get right to it, shall we?

Rebecca: Which of the characters in your current release is your favorite? Why?

J. Keller Ford: Oh, it would have to be Elton Fletcher, without a doubt.  I love his strength, his fortitude, his kindness and generosity.  He loves deeply and prefers to work problems out without using violence; however, he can kick some serious butt if he has to.

Rebecca: I’m a big fan of butt kicking characters. Are any of your characters modeled after real people?  If so, which ones?

J. Keller Ford: No one in the Amulet of Ormisez is modeled after real people, however, there are a few in my current novel, In the Shadow of the Dragon King, that are.  For instance, my main character, David, is a blend of both of my sons with some extras added.  Sir Trogsdill is a cross between my dad and someone else I knew long ago.  Of course there are personality elements of myself and my husband scattered throughout, but I can’t say one character is based on either of us.

Rebecca: I’m always curious about how authors find inspiration and ideas. What music was on your playlist while writing your novel?

J. Keller Ford: For Amulet, I didn’t really have a playlist.  For Dragon King…the music ranged from Aerosmith’s “Dream On” to Pink Floyd’s “Comfortably Numb”, to William Coulter’s Sí Bheag Sí  Mhór, to Loreena McKennitt’s “Mystic Dream”, to Carl Orff’s “Carmina Burana”.

Rebecca: Some good tunage there. 🙂 Morning person or grumpy bear?

J. Keller Ford: Definitely a morning person.  I like my night-night time to sleep.

Rebecca: I had heard there were some of you morning folk out there. Good to know there are some of you willing to get up at the crack of dawn. I know I’m not. Tell us something about your book we won’t find in the back cover blurb?

J. Keller Ford: There are Selkies and magic involved.

Rebecca: oOo — I love me some selkies, as you probably already know. Now to an important question…Coke or Pepsi?

J. Keller Ford: Coke, hands down.  Goes better with Capt. Morgan Spiced Rum.  🙂

Rebecca: I agree completely! If you were only allowed to eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?

J. Keller Ford: Cheesecake.  Lots and lots of cheesecake.  No preference to flavor, though champagne and macadamia nut cheesecake is to die for.

Rebecca: A favorite of mine as well. Excellent choice. What scares you the most?

J. Keller Ford: Palmetto bugs.  They are nasty, over-sized cockroaches that fly.  I scream like a little girl and run the other way when I see one.  I hate the crunch sound they make when you smack or step on them and cringe when the icky thick yellow goo comes out.  *Shudder*.  Ewww.

Now that you all know a bit about the author, it’s time to give you a bit of info about the story, eh?

The Blurb: There is only one way to save Elton Fletcher’s brother from an insanity-ridden death.

After years away from home, fighting for his people, Elton returns to discover his only sibling, Cayden, possessed by greed and malice, and responsible for malicious, unthinkable deeds. Cayden, though, isn’t the only one afflicted by the Amulet of Ormisez, and Elton finds himself in yet another battle, where the price of failure could be his own life.

Author Bio: J. Keller Ford is a quirky mother of four, grand-mother and scribbler of young adult fantasy tales. She has an insatiable appetite for magic, dragons, knights and faeries, and weaves at least one into every story she conceives. Her muse is a cranky old meadow gnome that follows her everywhere she goes and talks incessantly, feeding her ideas for stories 24/7.

When she’s not writing or blogging, the former Corporate Paralegal enjoys listening to smooth jazz, collecting seashells, swimming, bowling, riding roller coasters and reading. Jenny lives minutes from the beaches of the west coast of Florida with her husband, her two sons an orange precocious cat, and three silly dogs. The pets have trained her well.
Staking Links: 

Make Believe Blog Tour: A Interview with Contributing Author, J.A. Belfield

Continuing with my Blog Tour posts for the MAKE BELIEVE Blog Tour, today I have managed to snag an interview with author, J.A. Belfield. Her story, Escort to Insanity is the featured tale in the anthology.

To see my full review of the anthology, go HERE.

Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by, Ms. Belfield. I’ll try not to ply you with too many questions (yeah, right).

Which of the characters in your current release is your favorite? Why?

Ack. I dunno. I mean, I love Benjamin and Cole. Love how they gel and that they kind of get thrust together through circumstance beyond their control. But, if I were to look at the characters on a long term potential basis, I’d have to say I also love Cole’s best friend and housemate Kellie, for the light relief I know she’ll bring to intense aftermaths, and Rufus King, for the trouble I suspect he’d be capable of causing for the duo. 😉

Are any of your characters modeled after real people?  If so, which ones?

Never. I sometimes study relationship dynamics and translate those to the page, but I never totally base a character on someone I know. It wouldn’t be fair. Though I did get pretty close in Blue Moon, my novel that just released, when a friend’s daughter asked me for a part in the book, so I made a character look like her and stole her name—but I’d never do that for a big part character who’s personality needs portraying to the max.

Morning person or grumpy bear?

Grumpy bear. Just ask my kids if you don’t believe me. And never expect conversation pre-caffeine.

Actually, the worst times are when Mr B decides we’re going to wake up at stupid o’clock to go on holiday so we’ll miss the traffic, and he wakes up all bubbly and excited and hyper and so damn annoying to someone who can only just about manage grunts and scowls and a whole lotta lip curling.

What is the one thing about the book publishing process that has surprised you the most?

I think the biggest surprise (and most likely not just to me) is discovering just how hard it is to gain a ‘reach’, to get that ball rolling so that folk are taking enough notice of your work to start spreading the word, and those folk start spreading the word, and so on and so on. It’s a domino run you need to make bigger, but getting hold of the dominos you need is the tricky bit. Once that starts happening, though, it’s pretty awesome. So persevere. No matter how big this obstacle seems.

What is next for you?

Well, I’m mostly known for writing the Holloway Pack series, and my short story for the Make Believe anthology was more of a side project for a change of scenery. However, although I still have a few Holloway Pack titles to write, I will admit I’m intrigued enough about Benjamin and Cole from Escort to Insanity that the early drip feed of ideas has started trickling through for a trilogy for the two of them. And it’s no secret, I’m also itching to try my hand at some YA. 🙂

Do you have any unique skills or talents? If so, what?

I can still do cartwheels at age 40. Does that count?

What is the oddest question you’ve been asked with respect to your story?

I haven’t had anything wonky for Escort to Insanity, but I have been asked a few times by peeps I know who’ve read Darkness & Light if I’ve based all of the intimate scenes on personal experience. They ask Mr B, too. His answer: Yep. My answer: O_o

Tell us something about your story in Make Believe we won’t find in the back cover blurb?

Um … it has way more paranormal elements than the blurb leads you to believe. But, hey, this is one of my stories we’re talking about. 😉

Here is the skinny on Ms. Belfield’s story, ESCORT TO INSANITY

Blurb:  From a charity auction, to a stroll in the park, to the craziest night of her life. Nicole Harrington can’t help but wonder how a simple event went so drastically wrong.

Of course, the male escort she booked is wholly to blame. Not only charming but shrewdly intelligent, Benjamin Gold drags Nicole into a platoon of unimaginable problems—ones from which she’ll have to find the courage just to survive.

Author Bio: One day, a character and scene popped into J. A. Belfield’s head, and she started controlling the little people inside her imagination, as though she were the puppet master and they her toys. Questions arose: What would happen if …? How would they react if …? Who would they meet if …? Before she knew it, a singular scene had become an entire movie. The characters she controlled began to hold conversations. Their actions reflected the personalities she bestowed upon them. Within no time, they had a life, a lover, a foe, family … they had Become.

One day, she wrote down her thoughts. She’s yet to stop.

J. A. Belfield lives in Solihull, England, with her husband, two children, three cats and a dog. She writes paranormal romance, with a second love for urban fantasy.

Stalking Links:

J.A. Belfield Blog Bookaroo-Ju Blog | Twitter Facebook Website

Make Believe Blog Tour: An Interview with Contributing Author, Kelly Said

Continuing with my Make Believe Blog Tour posts, today I’ve managed to finagle a visit from Kelly Said, one of the contributing authors featured in the anthology. You can find my full review of the anthology HERE.

I met Kelly on the Writer’s Digest forums a couple years ago now, and she is one heck of a writer, not to mention a cool person to have as a writing buddy.

Thanks for coming by, Kelly. I’ll try not to hit you with too many hard hitting questions 😛 I’ll even start with a rather easy one to answer.

Rebecca: What inspired you to write your short story for the MAKE BELIEVE anthology?

Kelly: I was heavily influenced by the photo prompt the publisher provided, there seemed to be a contradiction as to the wintry scene and the girl in the red cape – with bare arms. It seemed like she wasn’t expecting the cold weather and that’s where my story took off: what if some crazy blizzard wiped out summer completely?

Rebecca:  Are you a pantser or a plotter?

Kelly: I’m both. I start off all exuberant and write a scene as it comes to mind, and then from there, I cease writing and begin plotting, working to isolate the critical points in the story to make sure I don’t write astray.

Rebecca: Do you have any writing rituals or special processes you complete before sitting down to write?

Kelly: I like to make sure I have all the essentials before I sit down for a writing session: caffeine, computer, dictionary, notepad, multicolored pens. Once I’m nestled in, I’m a go for writing, hehe!

Rebecca: Which of the characters in your current release is your favorite? Why?

Kelly: My main character, Sterling August was my favorite to write, not just because I’d lapse into a drooly dreamstate while imagining him, his dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and close cropped beard, hehe! He’s intriguing, he’s struggling to fend off a possible curse and solve the mystery of his father’s illness, but he ends up discovering so much more about himself and the world around him that by the end of the story, I was ready to keep on writing beyond the word count restrictions.

Rebecca: Morning person or grumpy bear?

Kelly: I’m a forced morning person, getting up at some ridiculous hour like 3:30 am to make time to write, hehe!

Rebecca: If I were to look in your closet right now, would I find frills and lace or demin and tees?

Kelly: You’d find denim and tees, doc martens, and scarves galore. I keep the frills and lace in a special drawer… 😉

Rebecca: Coke or Pepsi?

Kelly: Coke, diet, straight, no straw. 😉

Rebecca: If you were taken and places on a deserted island, and were allowed one other human being to spend your life with you on that island, who would you choose?

Kelly: My Hubs, because he’s awesome.

That may just be the most pukingly sweet answer to that question I have gotten so far. Congrats 😛

Now that we’ve met Kelly — let’s take a look at her story from the Make Believe anthology, Petrified.

BLURB: A mysterious storm has replaced summer with winter, devastating crops and smothering Castle lands in snow. Prince Sterling August stands alone as a leader, lost in personal grief as well as a desire to help his people but with an inability to do either.

The answers he needs await him, but without Lochlyn, a woman who’s just as isolated as Sterling, he’ll never see what stands before him, cloaked in illusion.

Author Bio: Kelly loves life in the foothills of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. When she’s not reading, being doted on by Mr. S, or pressed for attention by the wet nose of her beefy bull terrier, she can be found huddled over her little laptop writing whatever catches her fancy — mostly stories for Young Adults.

Make Believe Blog Tour: A 4 Star Review! #anthology #review

Make Believe
Make Believe by J.A. Belfield
My rating: 4 of 5 stars (4.5 Stars Actually)

Sacrificial Oath – Terri Rochenski (4 Stars)

After reading the entire anthology, I really feel this story is the perfect place to start out from. The story has a strong fable feel to it and I can definitely see where the cover image inspired the story. Some great references to the red so prevalent in the image throughout the tale. The well-written story follows the MC, Alesuela as she comes to grips with the sacrifice she has to make for the good of her father, the King, and their people. I don’t do spoilers in my reviews, so I wont give more plot detail than that, but I will say the internal conflict was well done, and Alesuela’s emotions really shine through. Overall, I would have preferred a bit more “action”, but this tale seemed to be more morality “fairy tale” based than most fantasy, which was a nice change of pace.

The Amulet of Ormisez – J. Keller Ford (4 Stars)

As most of you know, I am a huge fan of selkie tales, so I had a special place in my heart for this story. Like the opening tale, this one was set in a more traditional historical fantasy backdrop and focused on the story of two brothers, Elton and Cayden Fletcher. The author does a tremendous job with the characterizations of the two brothers, and as a reader, I felt drawn into the conflict unfolding and invested in the characters and their journey. The ending sweet and the potential relationship for Elton was a nice touch, though I did feel everything worked out a little too perfectly and fortuitously. Overall, a satisfying little story.

Birthright – Lynda R. Young (4 stars)

The third story in the anthology was decidedly different from the previous two, with a more “supernatural” feel to it, which was a nice surprise for me. The story held my attention and I was intrigued by the mystery of Christa’s heritage from beginning to end. I did feel some of the events in the story went a bit too quickly for me to really “believe” it, and I think I might have liked this one a little more had it been a bit longer and the story more drawn out. The author could have easily made this one into a satisfying novel, in my opinion.

Petrified – Kelly Said (4.5 Stars)

I really enjoyed this tale snuggled at the center of the anthology. Kelly Said does a wonderful job of drawing the reader into the world of her main character, a young healer named Locklyn. Here is another story in the anthology I think could have easily been made longer, mostly because the world building was so strong, the intrigue so intense, I wanted to know more about the world the author introduced to us here. I also felt the romantic relationship progressed a bit swiftly for my tastes, but the way the rest of the story was weaved more than made up for that small shortcoming. Plus, I just love me a strong female lead 🙂

Last Winter Red – Jennifer M. Eaton (5 Stars)

I think this has to be my favorite story in the book. I really enjoyed the more dystopian feel to this one, and I found the twist up at the end to be just perfect for the tale. It is rare to find a good dystopian in short form as there is generally so much world building necessary to really pull it off well. In this instance, I found the back story to be just enough to keep me intrigued and wondering while not boring me with useless details for the sake of story length. I would be interested in reading more about this world Ms. Eaton creates for us in this one.

Escort To Insanity – J.A. Belfield (5 stars)

The final tale in this anthology comes from the author of the Holloway Pack series, J.A.Belfield, and the story contains all the things I have come to expect from Ms. Belfield’s writing. The main character, Cole (short for Nicole) decides to hire an escort to take her to a party she doesn’t really want to attend. While this short does not involved the famed Holloway pack, it does involve shifters. The action and suspense were nicely peppered throughout the story and the voice is spot on. I really enjoyed this one despite thinking I would miss the focus of the story being on Jem and Sean from the Pack. A great ending to the anthology!

View all my reviews

Make Believe Blog Tour: An Interview with Contributing Author, Terri Rochenski #fantasy #anthology

Welcome back to the Blog. Always nice to see you 🙂

This week and part of next I will be helping to promote the release of J.Taylor Publishing’s MAKE BELIEVE Anthology. As part of the tour events, I will have interviews from as many of the authors as I could grab, and I will be posting a complete review of the anthology (by each individual story) in my post tomorrow, so be sure to check back again then.

To kick things off, I nabbed an interview with Terri Rochenski, the author of SACRIFICIAL OATH, the first of the stories featured in the anthology.

** Oh! And two lucky commentors will win a Make Believe bookmark signed by Terri 🙂 So be sure to leave a comment below! **

I met Terri a few years ago in the Writer’s Digest forums, and I knew back then she would be an author to watch. I’m quite excited she agreed to stop in today to promote her most recent publication. Besides, I love picking an author’s brain about their work and their writing process.

Rebecca: Thanks for coming in and sitting with us today, Terri. I’ll start off with a nice, easy, author related question…What music was on your playlist while writing your novel?

Terri: Nothing. I’m a silence kinda gal seeing as how I rarely get it as a stay-at-home mom!

Rebecca: Morning person or grumpy bear?

Terri: Morning person. Most of the time I open my eyes rearin’ & ready to go. I DO need caffeine though.

Rebecca: What group were you a part of in High School? Jocks? Nerds? Metal heads?

Terri: I was a choir nerd. Other than that I was pretty much a loner – too poor to be popular, too straight-laced to be much else.

Rebecca: Do you have any unique skills or talents? If so, what?

Terri: I sing, or rather I used to. A LOT. Even gave lessons for a short time. Once I moved, married, & had children I pretty much gave up that hobby.

Rebecca: Coke or Pepsi?

Terri: COKE!!!

Rebecca: If I were to look in your closet right now, would I find frills and lace or demin and tees?

Terri: Mommy-like sweat pants & tees. I need a major makeover!

Rebecca: If you were only allowed to eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Terri: Only one?? Yeah right. Bryer’s Cherry Vanilla ice cream, pumpkin pie, blueberry custard pie…

Rebecca: What scares you the most?

Terri: If anything happened to my children I think I’d flip. Watching parents of abducted kids pleading for their release – their lives – chokes me up every time.

I am completely with you there… of course I also get choked up by sad cartoons, so I’m not the best one to measure normalcy with. I have to think most parents would feel that way as well.

Now that we have learned a bit about Terri, let’s take a look at her story, SACRIFICIAL OATH — the opening story in the anthology.

MakeBelieveBLURB:  An impetuous act unwittingly makes Alesuela the fulfillment of the Sovereign’s Blood Oath to their Goddess. In five days, she’ll be forced to make the greatest choice of her life: become the virginal sacrifice already promised, or force the man she loves most to die in her place. 

With an impossible choice in front of her, she searches for ways to undo the oath, and in her quest, finds not everything in her life is as she expects.

Author Bio:  Terri started writing stories in the 8th grade, when a little gnome whispered in her brain. Gundi’s Great Adventure never hit the best seller list, but it started a long love affair with the fantasy genre.

Today she enjoys an escape to Middle Earth during the rare ‘me’ moments her two young daughters allow. When not potty training or kissing boo-boos, she can be found on her back patio in the boondocks of New Hampshire, book or pencil in hand.

Staking Links:

Cover Reveal: Make Believe (Various Authors) #CoverReveal #eBook #Anthology

Make Believe

by J.A. Belfield, Jennifer M. Eaton, J. Keller Ford, Terri Rochenski, Kelly Said, Lynda R. Young

Release Date: December 3, 2012

Target Reader: Adult

Keywords: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Romance

Back of the Book

Sacrificial Oath by Terri Rochenski

An impetuous act unwittingly makes Alesuela the fulfillment of the Sovereign’s Blood Oath to their Goddess. In five days, she’ll be forced to make the greatest choice of her life: become the virginal sacrifice already promised, or force the man she loves most to die in her place.

With an impossible choice in front of her, she searches for ways to undo the oath, and in her quest, finds not everything in her life is as she expects.

The Amulet of Ormisez by J. Keller Ford

There is only one way to save Elton Fletcher’s brother from an insanity-ridden death.

After years away from home, fighting for his people, Elton returns to discover his only sibling, Cayden, possessed by greed and malice, and responsible for malicious, unthinkable deeds. Cayden, though, isn’t the only one afflicted by the Amulet of Ormisez, and Elton finds himself in yet another battle, where the price of failure could be his own life.

Birthright by Lynda R. Young

Christa can mask the pain and hide the scars, but running from a birthright is impossible.

She’s tried to escape her grief by fleeing to a small town in Florida. Much to her frustration, the locals think they recognize her even though she’s never been there before. To make things worse, a man named Jack spouts outrageous theories about her.

Both spur Christa to bolt, to start fresh yet again, but there’s something about Jack that intrigues her enough to stay. The only problem? Someone else wants her to leave, and they won’t stop until she’s dead.

Petrified by Kelly Said

A mysterious storm has replaced summer with winter, devastating crops and smothering Castle lands in snow. Prince Sterling August stands alone as a leader, lost in personal grief as well as a desire to help his people but with an inability to do either.

The answers he needs await him, but without Lochlyn, a woman who’s just as isolated as Sterling, he’ll never see what stands before him, cloaked in illusion.

Last Winter Red by Jennifer M. Eaton

Emily is a Red, a woman whose sole purpose in life is to produce offspring. When her husband dies and leaves her childless, she risks her life and forsakes the safety of Terra—a disease-free city born after the nuclear holocaust. Beyond its boundaries, she knows, survives a man with whom she can be properly paired.

The Outside, though, holds secrets the government struggles to keep, and what Emily discovers on her quest for a mate will change her life forever.

Escort to Insanity by J.A. Belfield

From a charity auction, to a stroll in the park, to the craziest night of her life. Nicole Harrington can’t help but wonder how a simple event went so drastically wrong.

Of course, the male escort she booked is wholly to blame. Not only charming but shrewdly intelligent, Benjamin Gold drags Nicole into a platoon of unimaginable problems—ones from which she’ll have to find the courage just to survive.


Six Sentence Sunday: Cinu-what? From a WIP #sixsunday

I’ve been working on and off for the past week on a new short I hope to have ready to sub for the recent anthology titled MAKE BELIEVE (published by J. Taylor Publishing. For this week’s six, I decided to switch gears and give you all a taste. Thoughts and opinions always welcome.

Enjoy and Happy Sunday!

She[Jyslin] had slept little, thoughts centered on her impending Cinuint. Despite years of preparation and training, Jyslin really had no idea what to expect from the journey. She knew what was supposed to happen, what she’d been told to expect, but each Etherian’s destiny was different, making their Cinuint a completely unique experience.

Jyslin lifted the cup, blew a stream of cooling breath on the liquid and dared a small sip. Sweetened heat trickled down her throat. Her muscles relaxed in slow degrees.

Be sure to click the banner at the top of the post to visit with the other participants in this weeks postings. See you next time.