Monthly Archives: October 2014

Cover Reveal: Light a Candle for the Beast by Echo Shea #Paranormal #Romance #CoverLove

Well, well, well… look what the cat drug in. Yup, me. Alive and well, working hard at the job, the family, and building a publishing company. I would add writing to the list, but I haven’t had much time for that of late. Hoping to do a little bit today, if I can manage to sit still long enough.

I want to apologize for letting the blog posts fall off into the abyss. I would swear to not let it happen again, but, well, I don’t like making promises I’m pretty sure I won’t keep… Blunt, Becca. That’s me. But, as I was recently reminded, you wouldn’t have me any other way.

For my gracious return to blog-dom, I have a treat — one of my favorite types of blog posts — a cover reveal. You all know how much I love covers, most especially ones I happen to have created myself. And, being the attention whore I am, I’d love to know what you all think of it. Drop your thoughts in the comments area at the bottom of the post.

Course, you can’t do that until I share it with you. So, here she is…
LightaCandle_CoverLight a Candle for the Beast

Genre: Paranormal (Romance)

By Echo Shea

Publisher: Roane Publishing

Release Date: November 26, 2014

Keywords: Paranormal Romance, Fairy Tale, Beauty and the Beast, Short Story

Blurb: If you’ve ever been caught in a riptide, pulled down into the water, then you know me. Or, more accurately, what I’m like when I’m angry.

Delia was beautiful, smart, and kind. He wasn’t. He said he loved her, but he didn’t know what love was. He was manipulative and cruel—more than a thief. A beast.

All she wanted was a rose…

These are the words on my sister’s grave. Her sadness, her obsession, forever a reminder I didn’t—couldn’t save her.

I’m not vindictive or cruel. I’m simply as the river:. My memory is winding and my reach is long. I watched him steal her beauty, her essence. Watched him become a beast. He thought he’d get away with it, thought he’d go free.

I lay a rose upon my sister’s grave.

Light a candle for the beast.

About Echo Shea

Echo Shea is an Urban Fantasy writer. Known for fast-paced and sometimes chilling prose, she hunkers down at her desk with characters that not only enchant, but excite her. There’s something so freeing about writing beyond what seems possible.

Who says there’s not something more hiding in these Maryland woods?

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