Monthly Archives: December 2012

My erotic alter-egos most recent release 🙂

Bex Book Nook

Today I get to share some New Release News near and dear to my heart. Why? Because today is release day for my Erotic Horror short, BLOOD AND FIRE!! *cue confetti and fanfare*

Originally released in 2011 as part of an erotic horror anthology, Sinisterotica — which a total of maybe fifteen people read, I am so pleased to have a chance to offer this story (one of my favorites) to a (hopefully) broader audience.

** NOTE: The information contained below relates to an erotic work of fiction. If you are under 18 or offended by such things, please do not read further. Thank you. **

Let’s take a closer look at this steamy erotic release, shall we?

bloodandfire200x300Blurb: College student, Francesca Morgan has finally met the Dominant man of her dreams. Kevin Stevenson is sexy, sure of himself, and knows just how to make her knees quake.

When he…

View original post 586 more words

New Release News: Blood and Fire by R. Brennan (@bexbrennan) Now Available! @Musepublishing

Today I get to share some New Release News near and dear to my heart. Why? Because today is release day for my Erotic Horror short, BLOOD AND FIRE!! *cue confetti and fanfare*

Originally released in 2011 as part of an erotic horror anthology, Sinisterotica — which a total of maybe fifteen people read, I am so pleased to have a chance to offer this story (one of my favorites) to a (hopefully) broader audience.

** NOTE: The information contained below relates to an erotic work of fiction. If you are under 18 or offended by such things, please do not read further. Thank you. **

Let’s take a closer look at this steamy erotic release, shall we?

bloodandfire200x300 Blurb: College student, Francesca Morgan has finally met the Dominant man of her dreams. Kevin Stevenson is sexy, sure of himself, and knows just how to make her knees quake.

When he takes Frankie to her first fetish party, she is reminded being collared means her Master can do what he wishes with her, including offering her “services” for the evening to a sexy Dominant business associate he is trying to impress.

It doesn’t take long for Frankie to realize their host, Bartholomew Andrews is nothing like any Dom she has ever served. Aside from his devastating looks and heaping financial fortune, Bartholomew can read her thoughts, and knows just how to make her body react.

Can Frankie keep her wits about her and serve at his feet without falling for him, or will Master Amazing steal her heart and her soul in one steamy night of servitude?

Be warned — Contains elements of horror, BDSM, S&M, and a Dom/sub dynamic

Excerpt: I fidgeted with my black lace garter for the third time in five minutes. No matter how much I toyed with it, the torturous material tickled my inner thighs until I resort to scratching like a flea-infested hound. Through sheer force of will, I stopped gouging at my leg, and with a quick twist and pull, adjusted my g-string, which attempted to crawl higher than any butt floss should go. Tweaking complete, I checked my appearance in the bathroom mirror.

The red satin teddy clung to hourglass curves and highlighted my green eyes, just as I’d hoped when picking it out. The bodice’s built-in push up bra did wonders for the little ladies—an added bonus. I swept a few unruly, blonde strands of hair from my face and took stock of the make-up situation. Rosy cheeks. Check. Black eye gunk. Check.

I inhaled through my nose, and with puffed cheeks, blew out through my mouth—a stress relief trick I learned watching daytime TV. But, the nervous tension remained knotted between my shoulder blades.

I guess it’s time to see if I have the balls to wear this getup in public.

Stiffening my bare shoulders, I turned away from the mirror and left the bathroom, stopping just short of barreling into Mallory.

“Jesus, Mal.” My hands found my silk clad hips. “You couldn’t wait in the living room? I told you I’d be out in a minute.”

“Sorry, but you’ve been in there for ages, Frankie.”

Holding my hands out to my sides, I turned in a circle. “Well? What do you think?”

The only woman on the planet I actually trusted appraised me from top to bottom. “Let me see your ass again.”

With a quick turnabout, I wiggled my rear at her and peeked over my shoulder to see if she approved.


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iStock_000012188225XSmallAbout the Author: R. Brennan is the erotic alter-ego of a published author and a subbie brat with a bitch streak. She works as an IT geek for the state of New York, and is a reformed gaming addict living in the rolling hills of Upstate NY (you know, where it takes a 10 mile drive to buy a gallon of milk and the scent of cows lingers on the breeze).

A busy girl in 2012, R. has an erotic short, Faith’s Gift in the recently released Christmas anthology by Evernight Publishing, VANILLA-FREE CHRISTMAS, and another erotic short, Routine Maintenance in FELT TIPS – a collection of erotic short stories published by Tiffany Reisz and 8th Circle Press with all proceeds going to charity.

The truly brave are welcome to follow her on twitter: @bexbrennan but beware, her tweets are often #NSFW 🙂

Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop Winner! #Giveaway #erotica

HolidayGiveaway2012 copy

The tumbler has been tumbled and the entries randomized. The time has come to announce the big winner of my portion of the Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop.

*Cue confetti*

Thank you to everyone who followed and commented to enter.

The winner of the eBook copy of BLOOD AND FIRE and ACE in the HOLE is:


Congratulations, Carla. Watch your inbox for an email from me. I will need to know what file type you would like for the two eBooks.

Thanks again to everyone for stopping in during the Hop and

Happy Holidays and Season’s Beatings to Everyone!!


Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop Winners! #CalloftheSea #Giveaway

HolidayGiveaway2012_thumb copy

I’m just stopping in this chilly Saturday evening to announce the winners of my little part of the Mistletoe Madness Bog Hop, which ended last night at Midnight EST. First off, I want to thank everyone who entered and followed on Facebook and Twitter. I really appreciate all the comments and making so many great new “friends”.

Now — to the fun part. Here are the randomly selected winners:

Grand Prize – A signed print copy of CALL OF THE SEA

Judy Peterson


Runners Up – A signed CALL OF THE SEA Bookmark

Sherry Johnson

Kimberly Holgate

Huge congratulations to all three winners. I will be in touch with you by email to get your mailing addresses so I can send out the prizes.

Once again, a big thank you to everyone who stopped by during the Hop, who commented, followed and entered.

Happy Holidays!!

New Release News and Author Interview: Their First Noelle by Cara Michaels

Today I have a special treat for you all. Instead of just the regular new release news, I have also managed to snag an interview with the author of today’s spotlight release, THEIR FIRST NOELLE, Ms. Cara Michaels.

Bex: Thanks so much for coming by today, Cara. The story looks steamy good — just what I like in a short story. On that note, what inspired you to write Their First Noelle? Is there an interesting story behind it?

Cara: There should be. It’s such a fun, sexy, sweet story. But it started like most of my stories, with just some random mental wanderings that eventually became, ‘oh, that’s a fun idea.’ It did start out as a ‘normal’ story… I guess you’d call it contemporary, but I wasn’t far into the writing before my leading lady, Noelle, demanded to be someone ‘different.’ Next thing I knew, I had an elf recently retired from Santa’s workshop and looking for love in her local coffee shop.

Bex:  Definitely sounds like a fun read and a rather twisted little plot. Are you a pantser or a plotter?

Cara: I’m a mixed breed, leaning toward pantser. Sometimes I really plot things out (and even follow what I lay out), but most of the time I just write what comes to mind and get the details straight in editing.

Bex: Do you have any writing rituals or special processes you complete before sitting down to write?

Cara: Not particularly. I find myself a little envious of other writers who can get themselves in the right mental state so easily.

Bex: Are any of your characters modeled after real people?  If so, which ones?

Cara: None of my characters are directly modeled after a particular person. Standout traits, quirks, things people say and do, funny faces, the stranger-than-fiction things I observe or overhear… many of those emerge in my characters, though.

Bex: Morning person or grumpy bear?

Cara: A bit of both. I’m not usually a bright and shining morning star, but I can almost never sleep in. I’m up by about 6:30 every morning. Sometimes I spring out of bed and sometimes it takes me 30-60 minutes to normalize.

Bex: What group were you a part of in High School? Jocks? Nerds? Metal heads?

Cara: Nerds. In particular the choir/drama/band variety. I performed in the choir, the madrigals, the marching and concert bands, the brass ensemble, and the drama club.

Bex: Tell us one thing it would surprise us to know about you?

Cara: I’m also kind of a math nerd. It always seems to surprise people when I say I’ve spent most of my adult life working in accounting. And then other accounting types always seem surprised to learn I write. I get a lot of, “Oh, I could never do that” from both sides.

Bex: What is next for you?

Cara: So much, my head spins. I have five first drafts (2 shorts, a novella, and 2 novels) to edit and release into the publishing wilds.

Bex: Coke or Pepsi?

Cara: Depends. Is it canned or bottled? Canned Coke is gross. Don’t know why, but it just doesn’t taste right to me. In most cases, I tend to go with Pepsi, but I’m not too picky unless it’s in a can.

Bex: If I were to look in your closet right now, would I find frills and lace or denim and tees?

Cara: Denim and tees, by far. I just don’t look like me in frills and lace. Oh, to be one of the lovely, elegant types.

Bex: What scares you the most?

Cara: I am terrified of heights. It’s completely irrational and occasionally debilitating.

Bex: If you were taken and placed on a deserted island, and were allowed one other human being to spend your life with you on that island, who would you choose?

Cara: My son. He’s my favorite person. So smart and funny and quirky. We’d probably yell at each other a lot, but we’d have fun. I told him how I was answering this and he asked me a ‘would you rather’ question:  Would you rather be stuck on an island with a jerk who was a survival wiz, or with someone you loved but didn’t know squat about survival? I picked the jerk… on the off chance he or she keeps me alive long enough to get home to my loved ones.

Bex: Excellent logic and sounds like a pretty smart kid, too. Zombies or Vampires? Why?

Cara: Vampires. They at least tend to retain a spark of humanity. Even Dracula had his moments. The shambling brain eaters on the other hand just freak me out. Seriously. I had to stop watching the Walking Dead after 4 or 5 episodes because of the nightmares.

Heheheh — I just LOVE that show… One of my few television addictions this year. Now that we’ve taken a little time out to get to know Cara, let’s take a closer look at her latest release, THEIR FIRST NOELLE

** NOTE: The information contained below is of a mature nature. Those offended by erotic literature or under 18 should not read further. **


Blurb: Elf, Noelle Duncan thought life among the humans would be a nice change of pace after two hundred years in Santa’s workshop. Instead, retirement is lonely and the prospect of spending her remaining centuries among humans doesn’t hold much appeal. With Christmas approaching, she wants just one night to feel alive and loved.

Kristian Winters and Nicholas Haversham are partners in business and love. They’d like nothing more than to find a woman to share their love, but they’ve yet to find one open not only to two lovers, but a pair with unusual appetites. Noelle is the only woman they want, and Nick isn’t about to let Christmas go by without making their wishes known.

Introducing Noelle to the pleasures of bondage and ménage à trois sex falters when she confesses her amazing story. Their newfound love might not stand a chance without a little help from Santa.

Be Warned: menage sex (MMF), BDSM, anal sex, m/m interaction

Buy Links:


Staking Links for Cara Michaels:

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#Review: The Trouble With Nightingale by Amaleen Ison (@amaleenison) #YALit #Horror

Okay folks…I am going to be honest with you here. I have NO CLUE why when I was working on my blog I came across the post below as a “DRAFT”. I really thought I had posted this a long time ago. Maybe I did and this will be a repost. *shrugs* Who knows.

Anyway, here is a review I did for a fantastic YA horror novella I read written by an author I consider a friend, aside from thinking she is beyond talented. *gush gush* 😛


The Trouble With Nightingale
The Trouble With Nightingale by Amaleen Ison
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a wonderful short story!

I gave this one a read yesterday while on the train to NYC for work and I just LOVED it. It had been on my Nook waiting for me to find some time to read it for months and I am so glad I finally got the chance. The characters were vibrant and realistic, even in the context of a paranormal type tale. A completely unique twist on the dart arts and witchcraft.

Ms Ison has a gift for descriptive tales or the supernatural, and The Trouble with Nightingale is no different. I fell in love with the characters, most especially Fabian. Just too cute for words. I don’t put spoilers in my reviews, so I won’t get into too much detail on him, but I bet if you give it a read, you will agree with me.

I highly recommend this for anyone interested in paranormal tales appropriate to a YA audience and those who enjoy reading stories about the occult or witchcraft.

View all my reviews

Make Believe Blog Tour: An Interview with Contributing Author, Lynda R. Young

Welcome back for another posting for the MAKE BELIEVE (J. Taylor Publishing) Blog Tour. Today, we have Lynda R. Young with us for a little interview. Her story, < is part of the anthology. You can see my review of Lynda’s story, as well as the rest of the stories included in the anthology HERE.

First off, a big thank you to Lynda for taking the time  to stop in and visit with us today.

Now, on to the hard hitting interview questions… (not really)

Rebecca: Are you a pantser or a plotter?

Lynda: When I first started writing I fell in love with the romance of pantsing. I discovered the story and the characters as I wrote them. The romance faded when I realized how much I’d have to delete and edit and rewrite to get the stories even close to publishable. I’m now a plotter through and through.

Rebecca:  Do you have any writing rituals or special processes you complete before sitting down to write?

Lynda: I didn’t think I had any rituals, but now that I’m thinking about it, I tend to get a glass of water first, pat the cat, read my emails, then I’m set. I’ll go through the same ritual a number of times during the day.

Rebecca:  If you could only write in one genre for the rest of your career, what genre would you choose? Why?

Lynda: If I said the speculative genre, would that be cheating? Hehehe, I’m such a rebel. The reason I’d pick speculative is that it has so many sub-genres I’d never get bored! I love fantasy and science fiction equally as much, along with the majority of their sub-genres. There is such scope for stories there.

Rebecca:  I hear you there. I have a hard time pinning myself into a specific genre as well. Are any of your characters modeled after real people?  If so, which ones?

Lynda: My characters are never modeled after real people. Real people might inspire my work, but my characters tend to be a mish-mash created from real life, other stories, news reports, anywhere and everywhere.

 Rebecca:  I’m one of those writers who needs music to really get myself set to write. What music is on your playlist while writing your stories?

Lynda: The Dark Knight Soundtrack has been one of my favorites for a while now. It’s wonderfully emotive and keeps my fingers dancing across the keyboard. If I’m after something less robust, then I’ll listen to something from Enya or I’ll listen to Bali, an album by Jalan Jalan. It’s all instrumental so there aren’t any words to distract me from my writing.

Rebecca: Morning person or grumpy bear?

Lynda: I’m definitely not a morning person. Maybe that’s why I write best in the mornings. Leave me alone to my writing in the mornings, and the day is a good one—for everyone 😉

Rebecca: Sounds a bit familiar *grins* What is the one thing about the book publishing process that has surprised you the most?

Lynda: The amount of work required to get it right. I think being an author is one of the hardest jobs in the world. We might not get filthy, we might not get physically exhausted, but writing requires a level of mental endurance and persistence that’s close to herculean. It’s not a job that can be done in a half-hearted way.

Rebecca: So very true!! I’m curious. What group were you a part of in High School? Jocks? Nerds? Metal heads?

Lynda: I was a nerd. I loved my books and I loved my video games before they became cool to play.

Rebecca:  As a reformed gaming addict, I completely understand. Do you have any unique skills or talents? If so, what?

Lynda: I can be both really observant, yet completely oblivious. My friends tease me by saying they could drive a truck through the house and I wouldn’t notice. I call that a talent.

Rebecca: Coke or Pepsi?

Lynda: Neither, but it used to be coke. Put two teaspoons of sugar in coke and it tastes exactly like Pepsi. Shudder…

Rebecca: Nobody drinks soda nowadays. I’m starting to wonder how Coke and Pepsi stay in business. Let’s move to clothing…If I were to look in your closet right now, would I find frills and lace or demin and tees?

Lynda: You’d find both, but I’m mainly a denim and tee girl. I love to keep it simple.

A lady after my own heart, there. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping in and chatting with us Lynda.

Here is the Back of the Book description of Lynda’s story, BIRTHRIGHT

BLURB: Christa can mask the pain and hide the scars, but running from a birthright is impossible. 

She’s tried to escape her grief by fleeing to a small town in Florida. Much to her frustration, the locals think they recognize her even though she’s never been there before. To make things worse, a man named Jack spouts outrageous theories about her.

Both spur Christa to bolt, to start fresh yet again, but there’s something about Jack that intrigues her enough to stay. The only problem? Someone else wants her to leave, and they won’t stop until she’s dead.

Author Bio:

Lynda lives in Sydney, Australia, with her sweetheart of a husband who is her rock, and a cat who believes world domination starts in the home. Lynda has an adventurous spirit and has traveled the world. As a chaser of dreams, she found success as a digital artist and an animator, and now as a writer of speculative short stories. She is currently writing novels for young adults. In her spare time she also dabbles in photography and all things creative.

Stalking Links:





Steamy Spotlight: Sucking Santa’s Candy Cane by Angelina Rain #erotic #romance #ebook

** NOTE: This Spotlight features a work of erotic fiction — Do not read the information or Excerpt below if you are under the age of 18 **

From Author, Angelina Rain:

Don’t you hate stereotypes? I know I do. They are so annoying! This holiday season I decided to undo the stereotype surrounded around Santa Claus.

Yes, I know he’s old, fat, jolly, works in a toy factory, and wears a red suit. But…. What if he were young, blonde, muscular, hunky, worked as a doctor in children’s hospital, and drove a red car? Isn’t that mental image so much better? What if, we add peppermint and milk chocolate flavored ‘candy cane’ (for a lack of a better word)? Now we’re talking, right? Want to know more about this alluring Santa?

Check out Sucking Santa’s Candy Cane!


BLURB: Noelle has always been a good girl, but when she meets a man named Santa Claus, her naughty side is unleashed. She indulges in her sexual desires with this handsome stranger with the very bizarre name. Santa Claus isn’t real! Is he? Will Noelle learn to believe in magic and miracles while in the arms of her handsome lover?


“Let’s cut the crap, I want to eat your pussy.”

She glanced sharply at him. “Did you. . .” Surely, she just imagined it. This stranger wouldn’t dare say that to her.

“What’s up?”

“Did you just say something to me?”

“What do you think I said?”

There was that knowing smile, and the tone of his voice suggested he was playing with her.

“I. . . I’m just hearing things,” she answered.

“Are you now?”

A car drove by on the expressway and Noelle chose to concentrate on that. Where was that damn tow truck? Did she really want it to arrive?

“What do you think you heard?”

She glanced down, embarrassed. “Nothing. It doesn’t matter.”

He climbed off the trunk and came to stand before her. Santa rested his hands on her thighs. Noelle’s heart thumped heavily inside her chest when the realization hit her. She had heard exactly what he said. He wanted to eat her pussy. She wanted him too. But. . . But she wasn’t Wendy. Wendy would have had him in every hole by now, but that just wasn’t her. Could she really let a stranger get this intimate with her?

Santa inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. “I can smell your arousal.” He opened his eyes and bent forward, kissed her knee. “I want you.”

“We’re strangers. We’re in public. Someone could see us.” Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!

He put his finger to her lips. “Relax, no one will see us.” He moved the finger from her lips and rested his hand on her hips. The other hand started on her knee and slowly traveled up her thigh. “Uncross your legs,” he ordered.

Her knees shook as she obeyed. She wasn’t sure why she did it and why she let this stranger do what he was doing. Was it the thrill of possibly getting caught fucking a stranger? Or was it that she hadn’t felt pleasure in so long she would take it any way she could?

She spread her legs a few inches away from each other and breathed deeply. What was she doing? She was crazy.

“Relax,” he whispered. “Don’t be nervous.”

How could she not be? A complete stranger was feeling her up in public.

As Santa’s hand slid under her dress, Noelle’s heart pulsed inside her chest. The thump, thump, thump of it rang in her ears, drowning out all other sounds. Her pussy soaked with desire juices.

His fingertips grazed her cunt. He hooked a finger into her panties and groaned. “Your panties are soaking.”


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Steamy Spotlight: Flames of Desire by Angelina Rain #erotic #romance #menage

From Author, Angelina Rain:

Have you ever fantasized about pleasuring a firefighter? That is a pretty common fantasy amongst women. It was my own version of the fantasy that turned into this short story about one single woman, a wicked night, an unfortunate house fire, and five hunky firemen coming to the rescue.

** NOTE: THIS WORK IS EROTIC IN NATURE — The Information and Excerpt below are for audiences OVER 18 ONLY **


BLURB: Ginelle Jinx, recently single, heartbroken, and unemployed, decides to cast an impotency spell on her cheating ex. She doesn’t expect the spell to have consequences, but her house catches on fire.

Five hunky firemen come to Ginelle’s rescue, one of them being Seth Tompson, her high school sweetheart. With one fire out, she finds old flames and new ones mingling as she indulges the pleasures her five firemen have on offer.

But what will happen when she realizes she still loves Seth? Does he feel the same? Can an old flame become a raging inferno?

Be Warned: menage sex (FMMMMM), m/m sex, multiple partners, anal sex, orgies

Excerpt: She showered quickly, making sure not to use up all the hot water as she was certain he would need to shower too. But, she did stay under the spray for several minutes enjoying as the heat washed away the stress from the night.

Once she was done, she pulled the curtain away and grabbed the large bath towel Seth had supplied. She rubbed it over her long blonde hair, down her face, neck, chest, and back. It wasn’t until she ran it over the back of her hand that pain shot through her as though her skin had been peeled off.

“Ouch! Fuck!” She screamed and hissed in pain, remembering that she burned her hand. The shocking events of the night had momentarily blocked the pain and now it throbbed as though making up for lost time.

A ruckus sounded outside the bathroom door and it opened quickly as Seth rushed in, worry etched into his eyes. “Are you okay?”

She stared at him. The pain quickly subsided as she took in the man before her. He had showered too and now only wore a pair of denim shorts. Seth had a perfectly muscled chest and she wanted to run her fingertips along the ridges and crevices of his spectacular body. No, she wanted more than just to touch it. She wanted to kiss it and lick it and taste every inch of this man. Her nipples hardened and her pussy pooled with warm juices.

Her breath caught in her throat as a moan of need and desire escaped her lips before she could contain it. She looked into Seth’s eyes and saw the same lust that reflected her own.

He took two large steps toward her and his hands entangled in her wet hair. Seth tilted her head slightly and his lips crashed over hers. The need she felt within her, she also tasted in his mouth.


Buy links:       Evernight Publishing      ~    Amazon   ~   All Romance eBooks   ~   Bookstrand

Find Angelina here: 




My Evernight Christmas Blog Hop Winner: Chrystina Williams #eBook #giveaway


Congratulations to the winner of my little part of the Evernight Publishing Christmas Blog Hop:

Chrystina Williams

Look for an email from me in the coming days with your eBook copies of Vanilla-Free Christmas and Blood and Fire 🙂

Thanks to everyone for being a part of the giveaway and commenting on the blog.

Happy Holidays!