Category Archives: Nanowrimo

Nanowrimo Check-in and Some Updates

So, as many of you know, either by participating yourselves, or through listening to the rest of us cheer and stress as the word counts dictate, we are in the throes of the annual Nanowrimo writing event. What do they call it — oh yeah– a month of literary abandon.

Since I have been so lax in my blog postings and updates while I have been trying to submerge myself in the current WIP in the hopes of having it complete before the end of this month, I thought I would dedicate a blog post to the progress and maybe toss out a few personal updates as well.

Nano progress in going fairly well. It is always hard to find the time to pump out at least 1500 words after a 10 hour day, but I have been able to stay close enough to my goals that I have been able to make up most of my lost time over the weekends with a more concentrated “marathon” session. To that end, my boyfriend Pete and my two daughters have been FANTASTIC about being supportive and quiet, especially on the weekends.  Pete and Casey even take turns telling me to get my ass back to the laptop to “get writing!” Man, I love that.

I’ve scheduled with my job to take some state mandated days off next week, so I will be home working on finishing Thanksgiving week. If all goes well, and with the wonderful support of critiquers that are staying with me and going over the chapters as I pump them out, I should be able to make my goals and get the work finished, leaving me a week to get the final edits done and maybe even get a copy to a few beta readers before December rolls around.

One can only do their best 🙂 And that is the plan.

On to my good news.

I was informed that my novel, The Call of the Sea has been selected as one of 25 finalist in the Miss Snark Baker’s Dozen Agent auction. I am over the moon about that, as you can imagine. They accepted 100 entries (don’t think they got quite that many applications, but close) and mine was chosen as a finalist, meaning that about 15 literary agents will be checking out my logline and first 250 words and potentially requesting chapters, partials, etc.

While my top pick agent (shout out here to Ms. Sara Meigbow of Nelson Literary — my dream agent) is not participating in the contest, some of my other top five agencies are.  Plus, I will be hopefully sending Sara a query letter on the story as well (come December), just because I can’t let go of the idea that she is “supposed” to be my agent.

It has been one heck of a year and I expect 2012 to be even better 🙂

Let the Nanwrimo Madness Begin

On the eve of all writer’s favorite time of year, Nanowrimo, I thought I would toss out a quick post to advise anyone who might be interested that I will be a participant again this year. I am happy to buddy up with anyone else that happens to be interested in joining the madness. My nickname there is Rebelhart69 Feel free to add me.

Are you participating in Nano this year? What is your personal goal for the event (besides 50k words)? Do you think this sort of event helps with your writing or has a negative effect?

Love to hear your thoughts.

Nanowrimo 2010 Draws to a Close

As the hectic month of writing frenzy comes to an end, I find myself perplexed by the prospect of reading the 50k words I just wrote.  I have never before just typed furiously with no thought to looking back or editing it while I write.  It’s not that I believe that what I wrote is total crap, it is more a concern over the amount of time and work I put in vs how much I will actually end up keeping.  I guess no matter how you slice it, words on the page are words on the page, and a damn sight better than where I was at the beginning of November.

And now I undestand why December is Nanoedmo – (National Novel Editing Month).  Im not even sure if that is a real thing, but I saw it on a blog I follow today and it seemed so appropriate.  That is what my December is looking like.

That in addition to catching up on my crit circles and all the posted works I didnt take the time to read in November, and creating shorts for two contests with the same deadline for the end of December. 

Then, of course, that is that little holiday they call Christmas.

But, Im sure my kids will understand when I tell them Santa took a sabatical to edit the Great American Novel. Right? 😛