Category Archives: Sci-Fi

#Review: Melted Tears: The Outlier Chronicles by Annabelle Blume #Giveaway @inkspellpublish

Welcome back. I know I have been a bit MIA lately, but I have good reason — writing. Can’t fault me there, right?

Anyway, before I get off on a tangent about my absence, let’s get to why I am posting today.

Fellow Inkspell author and friend, Annabelle Blume has a new release out — the newest installment of her Outlier Chronicles series, and I was lucky enough to score a review ARC. Here is what I thought about it. (From Goodreads)

Melted Tears: The Outlier Chronicles
Melted Tears: The Outlier Chronicles by Annabelle Blume
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was really excited to get a chance to read and review this one, as I enjoyed the first story, Frozen Heart so much. In this one, we get to see what happens with Beckett and Cressie (and the dogs) after they decide to abscond from the Affinity together. I don’t do review spoilers, so I will stay away from the plot for the sake of this review. However, I will say that I really loved where the author took this follow-up tale, deciding to pick up on a mention in the first book of Cressie’s parents.

I really think it would make a nice novel, but the novella length matches nicely with the first installment of the tale, and the storyline didn’t feel rushed by the length, so I am content with the way it came off.

The descriptions are stellar and the characters strong and true to what I expected from them based on the first story. Even the dogs are perfectly portrayed and oh so lovable in their protectiveness. This is definitely one to pick up, especially if you read the first story in the series.

Would love to see more stories revolving around the Affinity and the “Collective”. Maybe something that goes more into the reasons for the strict rules and strange breeding laws they have adopted. The society that Cressie and Beckett survive in is one that has me infinitely curious.

A great tale for an evening of reading! I highly recommend this one.

View all my reviews

Now that I’ve told you all what I think about it, let me give you all the juicy release details…

Melted Tears.v2-Purple-Final.2 (1)MELTED TEARS
by Annabelle Blume

Publisher: Inkspell Publishing

Genre: Sci-fi/Romance


Two lovers face off against a government determined to keep them apart. It’s only brave if it’s hard.

After a decade of being alone in the wilderness, Cressenda is still adjusting to life with the man of her dreams. When Beckett hatches a plan to break her parents out of The Affinity prison work camps, Cressenda must make the biggest sacrifice of her life; trading her freedom for her parents’. Cressenda’s fortitude is tested at every turn, from surviving the conditions of West Fallen work camp to believing in Beckett’s dedication to their plan and their love, even when it looks like all hope is lost. With the help of a unlikely ally, Cressenda learns to stop fighting against her fears and embrace the power of fighting for her dreams.

Will trusting Beckett to take down The Affinity be the ultimate show of faith or a fatal mistake?

_MG_5498-003About the Author:

Annabelle is a Science Fiction and Urban Fantasy Romance author, that is, when she’s not checking homework or begrudgingly cooking dinner. Wife, mother, and creator of alternate worlds, Annabelle has a penchant for that which is outside the norm.

Her Sociology degree has given her the ability to construct worlds that exist only in her head and translate them passionately to the page. The time spent studying individuals, interpersonal relationships, and particularly, women, within the constraints of our society led to Annabelle’s unabashed ability to talk about sex as it fits into our modern lives.

She’s also the author/personality of The Bombshell Mommy at, where she expounds her knowledge of being a vixen clad in sweatpants.

A serial book monogamist, Annabelle is deeply devoted to the literary love of her life until the next amazing book falls into her clutches and she obsesses anew.

Annabelle’s official author page
You can reach her on Twitter @AnnabelleBlume and stay up-to-date via her author Facebook page

* * * * *

To top it all off, Ms. Blume has been kind enough to offer a great giveway as part of the Release Tour. This is a rafflecopter giveaway, so I cant show it here (stupid WordPress) — but I can give you the link!

Make sure to enter to win one of 15 e-Copies of MELTED TEARS

MELTED TEARS Rafflecopter giveaway

Author Interview: Aubrie Dionne, Author of HAVEN 6

As a special treat today, I have managed to score an interview with the author of the Haven series, Aubrie Dionne. Not familiar with the series? Here is the info on the newest Haven release, HAVEN 6.

Back of the Book:

A product of an illegal pairing, Eridani is the only woman without a lifemate aboard the colonization ship, the Heritage, and she is determined her less than perfect DNA will not get in the way of finding love. As the ship nears it’s final destination of Haven 6 after five hundred years of travel, images of the surface show evidence of intelligent life on a planet that’s supposed to be uninhabited. Commander Grier assigns Eri to the exploratory team to spy on the alien society and return with information on how to defeat them.

When Eri’s team lands, tribes of humans attack and Eri is saved by Striver, the descendant of a colonist and a pirate from Old Earth’s colonization efforts in other parts of the galaxy. Striver helps Eri rescue her team and they are drawn to each other despite their different allegiances. While Striver battles with trusting Eri, Eri must decide whether to warn him and his people about the commander’s intentions, or follow orders and complete her mission.

My Interview with Aubrie Dionne:

Rebecca: When did you first start writing? What made you want to be a writer?

Aubrie: I’d always wanted to be a professional flutist, and when I started teaching, I made up stories to go along with the music and make it come alive for my students. My students liked the stories so much they used to urge me to write them down. I finally listened and here I am today!

Rebecca: What inspired you to write your novel, Haven 6?

Aubrie: This is the final book in the series, so I wanted it to be epic and tie in all the loose threads from the prequel and the first two books, which is not an easy task! I also wanted it to take place on a jungle planet, following the way Star Wars moved from a desert planet, to an ice world, to a jungle planet.

Rebecca: Are you a pantser or a plotter?

Aubrie: I used to be a panster, but now I have to turn in a synopsis to my agent and my publisher before I get too far into the story if I want it to get read in a decent amount of time. This has made me a plotter. I do find that I get less blocked if the whole story is already planned.

Rebecca: Do you have any writing rituals or special processes you complete before sitting down to write?

Aubrie: Sometimes when my mind gets blocked, I’ll do the laundry or go for a walk with my dog, and that usually frees it up again. Sometimes even Spider solitaire is a good way to help writer’s block, until I get blocked with that!

Rebecca: What music was on your playlist while writing your novel?

Aubrie: I listen to Radio Gaia when I write. New age music is easy listening with no words to distract me!

Rebecca: Morning person or grumpy bear?

Aubrie: Grumpy bear. I need coffee and time to wake up! LOL

Rebecca: What is the one thing about the book publishing process that has surprised you the most?

Aubrie: How snarky people can be in reviews. I can’t believe the things they write about books. Don’t they know we’re real people?

Rebecca: What group were you a part of in High School? Jocks? Nerds? Metal heads?

Aubrie: Definitely band geeks. I spent a lot of time practicing my flute and going to marching band games. All of my friends were in the band!

Rebecca: What is next for you?

Aubrie: Well, funny you should ask that! The YA tie in series to the New Dawn trilogy comes out November 7th with the book titled Colonization: Paradise Reclaimed  published by Inkspell Publishing. After that, I have a contemporary romance coming out with Entangled Publishing’s Bliss line called My Maestro about a flutist that has fallen in love with her conductor.

Rebecca: Do you have any unique skills or talents? If so, what?

Aubrie: I play the flute! Does that count?

Rebecca: Coke or Pepsi?

Aubrie: Neither! I drink coffee and Mountain Dew!

Rebecca: If I were to look in your closet right now, would I find frills and lace or denim and tees?

Aubrie: Frills and lace! I love wearing fancy clothes in concerts! I don’t think I’ve worn a T-shirt in years.

Thanks so much for stopping in today, Aubrie, it’s been a pleasure having you. For those of you out there who want more info on Ms Dionne, or her books, her bio and links are below.

Audrie’s BIO:

Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her writings have appeared in Mindflights, Niteblade, Silver Blade, Emerald Tales, Hazard Cat, Moon Drenched Fables, A Fly in Amber, and Aurora Wolf.

Her books are published by Entangled Publishing, Lyrical Press, and Gypsy Shadow Publishing. She recently signed her YA sci fi novel with Inkspell Publishing titled: Colonization: Paradise Reclaimed, which will release in November 2012.

When she’s not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras. She’s a big Star Trek TNG fan, as well as Star Wars and Serenity.

 Twitter: @authoraubrie

Book Review: Frozen Heart by Annabelle Blume (@annabelleblume) #reviews

Frozen Heart
Frozen Heart by Annabelle Blume

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I brought this novella on the plane with me when I flew to California and I have to say, reading it made the time fly by. Before I knew it, I was at the end of the story and looking for more.

Im not one to give spoilers in reviews, so I will stay away from anything too specific, but will say that I loved the descriptions and Ms, Blume really did a spectacular job of describing the dystopian world Cressenda lives in. I was hooked from the first page, and really enjoyed the interactions between her and Beckett as the story unfolded. The romance developed nicely and I never felt any lags in the story or action. A really stellar read.

I will definitely be looking for more from this author.

View all my reviews