Category Archives: Blogging

Cover Reveal: Remember Me by Amaleen Ison (@AmaleenIson) #YALit

Welcome and Happy Memorial Day to all of you. I am pleased as punch to be participating in a fantastic cover reveal today for a friend and fellow author, Amaleen Ison. Her newest release, REMEMBER ME is coming soon from Decadent Publishing, and I can tell you after having a chance to beta read some of this story… you are in all for a treat. I LOVED it… and I didn’t even get to read all of it yet.

Here are the details on the release:

Title: Remember Me

Author: Amaleen Ison

Release Date: TBA

Publisher: Decadent Publishing

Editor: Lea Finley

Cover Artist: Scott Carpenter

Genre: Young Adult

Format: E-book

Bono_RememberMe_large-682x1024 (1)

Blurb:  Sera isn’t living. She’s existing—barely. Bedbound by illness, she has no memory of life before the freezing barn she now calls home. A mournful song haunts her dreams and hints at a past not completely buried—one she’s desperate to uncover. Yet Father’s whirlwind visits to draw blood and administer medication don’t provide answers. He only confirms the one thing she already knows; she’s dying.

A lonely death without ever knowing her past seems inevitable until a sudden, mystifying return to health coincides with the arrival of a boy in the opposite out-building. The inextricable pull to the stranger, and the broken memories that storm her mind when he’s near, warn of a history quite different to any she could have imagined. If she’s to uncover the truth she craves, she’ll have to decide whether knowledge of the past is worth forfeiting her second chance at life.

Remember Me Goodreads Link:


EmmaPortrait2-240x300About the Author: Amaleen Ison is a married mother of one. She lives with her family in Hertfordshire, England, along with her cats (Oscar and Winston), guinea pig ( LouLou), and gerbils (Blackberry and Pumpkinseed). She writes Young Adult fantasy stories that meander into a variety of sub-genres.

As a child, Amaleen lived most of her life in her head. She imagined herself in mystical lands populated by the weird and wonderful. She still spends way too much time daydreaming, but now she writes about her imaginings and weaves them into stories. The fantasy element is always important, but more so the hodgepodge of emotions that arise from her characters first time experiences.

Social Media Links: Facebook | Twitter | Website/Blog | Goodreads

Getting Closer to FREE READS Time: Gearing Up #Free #CalloftheSea #ShortStory

As some of you may know, the reason for my lackluster posting schedule here on the blog has a lot to do with my alter-ego author, R. Brennan. Having had three releases in December of last year, and her work on another tale to release sometime in May 2013, I haven’t had much time to devote to this side of my personality.

But, finally, the expected release dates for Inkspell Publishing’s Free Reads Week sometime in May, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. While May is still another month away, the change in the weather and the smell of spring in the air has me looking toward the beginnings of summer and all the comes with it — including my free read, FATE’S VOYAGE. I can’t wait to share the continuation of Ellie and Daniel’s story with you all.

Here is just a bit of what I have in store for all of you.

“Captain O’Rourke! You’re needed below right away, sir.” Mac came screeching to a halt before him. “Miss Amelia says yer to come right quick!”

Panic closed Daniel’s throat.


Leaving the wheel with the lad, he darted down the quarterdeck stairs and raced across the deck, heart hammering its way up his throat.

Startled crewman scrambled from his path, their shock turning to wide-eyed concern as the frenzied captain disappeared below.

Daniel found Amelia waiting for him outside the door to his cabin, her fingers fretting each other at her waist.

Her tense expression relaxed when she caught sight of him. “Thank heavens.”

His gaze shot to the closed door at her back. “What’s wrong? Is Ellie alright?”

“Yes, but you’ve got to talk to her. She won’t sit still. Since you left at dawn, she’s cleaned the entire cabin floor to rafter, rearranged all her father’s maps and ledgers. Twice. And, now she’s piled all of your clothing to be washed and expects me to have Mac fill the washbasin. You know as well as I she can’t be bending over a washtub in her condition. It’s just too much!” Her hands resumed their nervous activity.

It was all Daniel could do to hide the smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. He placed a calming hand on Amelia’s shoulder. “We both knew how hard it would be for her to make this voyage not being able to do what she’s used to doing. I’m surprised the idleness hasn’t gotten to her before now, frankly. Ellie’s isn’t one to sit still for very long.” He offered a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. I’ll talk to her. Why don’t you take a break? Go on deck. Get some air.”

“You promise you won’t let her do that wash?”

Daniel knocked his heels together, placed a hand over his heart while the other rose, palm facing her. “You have my solemn vow. She’ll not touch a garment.”

Amelia blew a puff of air through the fringe of curls at her brow, shoulders relaxing. “Scoff if you wish, but you know how she is when she’s riled up. I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me for anything.” She sidestepped him and headed up the companionway, shaking her head and mumbling to herself.

After a moments hesitation to prepare himself for the whirlwind he called wife, Daniel twisted the handle and opened the cabin door.

*wiggles* I can’t wait to have the chance to share the rest.

What about you all? I have to believe some of you have read it. *wink*

What would you like to see in a follow-up story to Call of the Sea? What questions about Ellie and Daniel would you like to see answered? I love comments, so feel free to leave your thoughts.

Until next time. 🙂

To Love or Die in a Steamy-Reamy World Book Blast and #Giveaway

To Love or Die in a Steamy-Reamy World

10 Tales of Steampunk Silliness and Spookery

In the cozy seaside village of Steamville, New Hampshire, an unfaithful zombie, out of control werebots, succubi in corsets, and more wreak havoc in this short story collection from the author of Elemental.


Just .99 cents


“Well written and very fast paced. You won’t get bored or find your mind wandering. I’d love to see a sequel to this collection and see what happens next. I give this book five out of five donuts.”

“This book starts off dipping its toe right into the heart of the story, not unlike Ms. White’s YA novel Elemental, and the story never really slows down to a lazy pace; making it a very easy and fast read.”

“Ms. White wonderfully succeeded in instilling humor into ten short stories about vampires, zombies, ghosts, and one mad scientist. Each story is brilliantly linked. The Victorian era setting delightfully adds to the humor.”

“This is a wonderful mix of Steampunk and Horror written in Emily White’s unmistakable brilliance and style. Does it get any better than that?”

About Author Emily White

Emily White lives in NY, wedged between two of the Great Lakes and a few feet of snow and ice. She’s spent most of her life running away from the cold, and even spent a year in Iraq, but now contents herself with writing her characters into warm, exotic places in faraway galaxies. When not tapping away at her computer keys, she can be found reading, reading, and reading some more. And when she’s not doing that, she’s usually playing video games with her husband, peek-a-boo with her kids, or walking through her garden, wondering why the bugs insist on eating all her vegetables.

Also by Emily White

Book Blast Giveaway

$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 3/24/13

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Guardians Inc.: The Cypher Book Blast #YALit


A chance reading of a newspaper ad will send 16 year old Thomas Byrne into the world within our world.

Following the ad he will find Guardians Incorporated. A seven thousand year old organization charged with protecting the balance between Magic and technology.

Through their guidance, technology has kept Magic at bay since the Renaissance, but the balance is shifting and soon all those creatures we’ve driven into myth and legend will come back with a vengeance.

To protect the present, Guardians Incorporated needs to know the future and to unlock the future

they need a Cypher.

Book Trailer
Guardians Inc.: The Cypher is FREE on Kindle, Nook & iBooks


USA Book News 2012 Finalist -Young Adult Fiction

“Rosado-Machain brings a light, humorous touch to themes of teenage love, loss and betrayal wrapped up in a tasty package of magical coming-of-age.”

~Kirkus Reviews

“It’s like Julian Rosado-Machain took everything that I love about middle grade children’s fiction and slammed it into one awesome, well-paced fantasy”

~Emi London

“The Cypher hooked me from the beginning. And kept my attention right through to the very end.”

– Heidi Roth

Get Your Copy for FREE

Author Julian Rosado-Machain

Julian has enjoyed pizza in three continents, holds a degree in graphic design, built armored vehicles and computers, handcrafted alebrijes and swears has seen at least one ghost.

He is the Co-owner of Hacienda de Vega Restaurant in San Diego, California and enjoys the sun with his wife, three children and cat.

Book Blast Giveaway

$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 3/13/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Weekend #WIP – Where have I been? #Writing, of course!

ID-100110302 I bet you’re wondering where I’ve disappeared to. I do want to apologize for my lack of regular postings. When you are two published authors in one, there are times when you have to let the other side of your persona take center stage. My erotica alter-ego R. Brennan had a bunch of shorts released in recent months, and she’s been blogging like mad along with her other marketing efforts.

The good news is, I have been quite busy in the background as well — working on my fantasy romance series. Here is a little snippet of the most recent bit I’ve penned.  (Bear in mind, this is first draft material)

From Destiny’s Trial (WT):

She was cold to the touch, despite the warmth of the fire crackling in the little woodstove.

Worry ate at his features as his mind grasped for ideas. He needed to heat her up. Fast.

Resolute, Domnu climbed between the furs with Jyslin, and careful of her injuries, drew her into his embrace. His legs entwined with hers as he grasped icy fingers, pulling her hands to his lips. He blew hot breath onto her frozen digits as he willed his body heat into hers. *Hang in there*

The image of their bodies still snuggled together, but rotted to bones being found by wayward hunters decades in the future flashed in his mind, sending a shiver down his spine. He pushed the thought away. *Not on my watch*

He let out a sardonic laugh. As if Kasper or his father would allow him to exist outside their reach long enough for either he or Jyslin to even begin to decay. Sound logic, but reasoning out options for why nobody would discover their dead bodies did little to bolster Domnu’s confidence.

A quiet groan from the chilled body nestled against him hijacked his attention from a worn out road.

A writer is nothing without readers or feedback, so please share your thoughts in the comments. 🙂

Trailer Reveal: The Watcher by Lisa Voisin @inkspellpublish #YAlit

Author Lisa Voisin’s THE WATCHER will be releasing exactly one month from today, on March 4th, 2013 and we’re super excited to be able to share with our blog’s readers a short excerpt from the book and to be a part of the book’s awesome trailer reveal!

There is also a giveaway for a pre-order copy of THE WATCHER for US/Canada residents. So be sure to enter below.

THE WATCHER is author Lisa Voisin’s debut novel and is a book Eileen Cook says, “…is sure to keep readers turning the pages late into the night.”

And after having read both the excerpt and the book’s description, we couldn’t agree more! But we’ll let you decide for yourself. They’re both included below.
As is the book’s wicked cool trailer!

With some gothic techno beats, super cool images and a description that is meant to tease, this trailer totally sets the mood for this story. What do you think?

About the Book


Author: Lisa Voisin

Publisher: InkSpell Publishing

Publication date: March 4, 2013

Pages: 508

Format: Available to pre-order in Paperback

Find it: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Inkspell | Kobo

Millennia ago, he fell from heaven for her.

Can he face her without falling again?

Fascinated with ancient civilizations, seventeen-year-old Mia Crawford dreams of becoming an archaeologist. She also dreams of wings—soft and silent like snow—and somebody trying to steal them.

When a horrible creature appears out of thin air and attacks her, she knows Michael Fontaine is involved, though he claims to know nothing about it. Secretive and aloof, Michael evokes feelings in Mia that she doesn’t understand. Images of another time and place haunt her. She recognizes them—but not from any textbook.

About the Author
A Canadian-born author, Lisa Voisin spent her childhood daydreaming and making up stories, but it was her love of reading and writing in her teens that drew her to Young Adult fiction.

When she’s not writing, you’ll find her meditating or hiking in the mountains to counter the side effects of drinking too much coffee.

She lives in Vancouver, B.C. with her fiance and their two cats.

Find her: Twitter | Facebook | Website | Blog

Instead of saying more, he brushed his fingertips along my cheek, and his halo glimmered. I could hear the waves slapping the rocks behind us, the wind driving them in. That same wind whipped against my skin, but the touch of his hand on my face was all I could think about. It sent a current through both of us and filled me with longing for something I wasn’t sure I understood.

“I’m sorry.” He stepped back and shoved his hands into his pockets as the light around him faded. “You don’t know what it’s like. Being near you now, remembering those moments we had…” His hair blew into his eyes, but this time he didn’t move. I wanted to brush it back, but I didn’t know how he’d react. Would touching him be bad?

“You want to know who you were?” he asked. “You may look different, but you’re the same. I look into your eyes and see you.” He took in a deep breath, fixing his attention on the horizon. I’d seen and heard so much now that the logical part of my brain had long since given up arguing with me. I could feel what he was saying was true. All of it.

  • ONE pre-order copy of THE WATCHER by Lisa Voisin open to US/Canada.
  • Must be 13 or older to enter.
  • ONE entry per household.
  • Winner will be announced in the Rafflecopter and contacted by email.
  • Winner will have 48 hours after notification to respond or another winner will be chosen.

Enter below…

a Rafflecopter giveaway  Please Visit the Link to Enter — as I cannot host Rafflecopter on WordPress 😦  Darnit!

Character Interview: Jake Morris from SHRAPNEL by Stephanie Lawton @EvernightTeen #UpperYA

Welcome back to the blog. Today I have a special treat for you all — an interview with Jake Morris, one of the main characters from Stephanie Lawton’s newest YA release, SHRAPNEL.

teen-shrapnel4Jake is a pretty blunt guy. Just the way I like em, so I’ll forgo the fluff and get right to the questions.

Can you tell us your name and the title of the book you live in? 

I’m Jake Morris, and the book was originally called Surrender, but got changed to Shrapnel.

Describe to our readers your role in the book. 

I’m seventeen, and I guess I’m the romantic underdog. I prefer the term ladies’ man, but whatever. I’m also empathic, so there’s that.

How did you convince your author to put you in this book? For example, did you visit a dream or make yourself known some other way?

Heh, I showed up in the shower. Granted, there were a couple other characters that also showed up, but we all know she likes me best. And may I just say, MILF.

Is your author easy to work with or controlling? 

Who, Steph? She’s awesome. I mean, yeah, she put me through some crappy stuff, but she surrounded me with hot chicks, fed me bacon and gave me some damn hilarious lines in the book. What’s not to love?

Would you tell us about one of your favorite friends from this book? 

Hmm, I guess she’s a friend, though I’d really like more, but her name is Dylan, short for Dylanie. She’s a really cool chick. Hot as hell, but really funny, too, and she knows what she wants. Plus, she slaps me on the ass, so I’m her friend for life.

What would you like our readers to know about you? 

I’m not a complete freak. I mean, yeah, I have these weird abilities, and they sometimes make me do weird things and have epic freak-outs in front of packed movie theaters, but if you put that aside, I’m still a normal guy. I notice when you give me the side-eye or move to the other side of the hall. It hurts and it blows.

Did you learn anything during your adventure in this book?

Holy shit, did I ever! I learned how to … wait, I can’t give that part away. I also learned that girls … crap. I can’t give that away either. Okay, here’s something I can spill. I learned that looks can be deceiving. Oh, and that I love black lace underwear. *grins*

Can you tell us what you think is the most exciting thing that happened to you in your book?

You wouldn’t believe me if I did. You’ll have to read the book.

Introduce us to your main adversary?

Well, in some ways, I’m my own worst enemy, but overall, the guy’s name is Jackson. He’s a ghost from the Civil War that makes all of our lives hell. He hates me because I’m competition for Dylan, plus I know a lot about Civil War history and I’m a major threat to his plans and secrets.

Is there anything you would like to have done but your author stopped you?

Dude, I was in a house with two hot chicks. What do you think? Granted, I really only wanted one of them, but still. This is the stuff dreams are made of.

Here’s your chance to speak your mind. What do you want to tell everybody?

I’m not crazy. Also, I’m a damn good kisser. I read can your emotions so I know if what I’m doing is working or not and adjust. Pretty wicked, right?

Flash questions:

  • Craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Freaked out in front of a packed movie theater filled with everyone I know from school, including the girl I was crushing on. I don’t remember it, but they said I jumped over a couple rows of seats before I fell down the stairs.

  • Biggest regret?

I let things go too far at the end of the book. I should have stepped in way earlier and not let Dylan do what she did.

  • If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be, where, and why?

Hmm, when I turn eighteen I’d like to start some sleeves. On one arm I’d get representations of all the emotions I get from people, and on the other arm, I’d put representations of all the ways I’m able to help them. You know, like fear on one arm, and a guiding hand on the other. Or love on one arm, and two hearts joined on the other. Pretty mushy, huh?

  • Favorite book?

The Complete Poems of Christina Rosetti

  • Someone asks you to go skydiving. What’s your answer?

Oh, hell yeah!

  • If they were to name a crayon color after you, what would it be?

Emo Orange

  • Were you easy or hard to write?

Easy. I’m the guy version of her.

  • Absolute worst thing you’ve ever done?

I scared the crap out of my parents. I didn’t mean to, but they didn’t know what was wrong with me or how to fix it. I think they lost a lot of sleep and my mom totally dyes her hair to cover the gray. (She’s going to kill me for telling you that!)

  • Detail about yourself that’s not in your book?

I kick ass at Guitar Hero.

There ya have it. Thanks so much Jake. If the ladies weren’t interested in you before, they sure are now.

If you want to get your hands on a copy of SHRAPNEL, here are the BUY Links:

Cover Reveal: The Fallen Stars by Stephanie Keyes #Giveaway @inkspellpublish

The Fallen Stars by Stephanie Keyes (1)Title: The Fallen Stars
Author: Stephanie Keyes
Series: The Star Child
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Release Date: 12-April-2013

When all is lost, he will have to make the ultimate decision.

Kellen St. James was just your average seventeen-year-old prodigy, until he eighty-sixed the Lord of Faerie and proposed to a Celtic goddess. Now everything in Kellen’s life gets turned upside-down when Calienta, Kellen, and friend, Gabriel Stewart, find themselves on the run from a seriously irritated group of faeries. The worst part? They have zero idea why.

Suddenly, Kellen finds himself stuck in the middle of another prophecy that questions everything about him including where his loyalties lie. Plus, Calienta’s more than a bit different; she’s making choices that he doesn’t understand. And Gabe, his best friend? He’s started doing all sorts of freaky things that make Kellen question who he really is.

Kellen and Calienta will fight to stay together and keep the hidden part of the prophecy from becoming reality.

When the ultimate power is within reach, which side will he choose? 

Sounds good? If you liked Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, Need by Carrie Jones, or Fallen by Lauren Kate, you will love this book!

Stephanie KeyesAbout the author:

Stephanie Keyes has been addicted to Fantasy since she discovered T.H. White as a child and started drumming up incredible journeys in her head. Today, she’s still doing the same thing, except now she puts those ideas down on paper.

When she’s not writing Stephanie is also a graphic designer, presenter, teacher, musician, avid reader, and Mom to two little boys who constantly keep her on her toes. In addition, she’s best friend to her incredible husband of eleven years.

Keyes is the author of The Star Child YA Fantasy series, which currently includes The Star Child and The Fallen Stars. She is currently hard at work on the third book in the trilogy.

Praise for Stephanie Keyes:

“Imaginative and fast-paced. Couldn’t put it down!” – E.G. Foley, New York Times Bestselling author of The Gryphon Chronicles

“This well-written and intriguing fantasy was a delight to read. I can’t wait to read the second novel in this series!” – Linn B. Halton, author Never Alone on The Star Child by Stephanie Keyes

Interested in joining the blog tour from 6-Apr? Click here to register!

Blog Tour Registration Link

GiveawayGiveaway (Open to US, UK and Canada)

1 wired star bookmark, 3 Star Child (Book 1) ebooks and 5 The Fallen Stars eBooks

 Rafflecopter Link 

Almost Tuesday #Teaser: Fate’s Voyage – A Call of the Sea Tale

Since I finished what I hope will be a follow-up FREE READ through my publisher, Inkspell, last night, and I have issues with starting another piece so quickly after finishing one, I thought I would stop by my poor neglected blog and share a tiny teaser from the story.

For those of you who are familiar with Daniel and Ellie, this probably doesn’t need too much set-up. The story takes place after  CALL OF THE SEA and is in Daniel’s POV.


After a moments hesitation to prepare himself for the whirlwind he called wife, Daniel twisted the handle and opened the cabin door.

Ellie came about with an eager look in her eyes. It disappeared as soon as her gaze caught on him.

“Expecting someone else?”

The sigh that blew past her kissable, pink lips screamed exasperation. Her hands found her hips, eyes narrowed. “Did you see my mother out there? Where’s Mac? Is he bringing the basin?”

Chuckling, Daniel stepped over the giant pile of clothing in the center of the room and gathered his rounded wife in his arms. He placed a gentle kiss on her furrowed forehead. “My love, why are you trying to drive your mother insane? We’ll need her midwifery skills when the babe comes.”

As it often did whenever she was within arms reach, his hand caressed the swell of her abdomen. Their child. “Can’t you play nice just a while longer? We should make berth in Port Royal within the week and we won’t need to worry about the babe coming while we are so far from adequate medical care.”

Ellie turned her sun freckled face upward, favoring him with a pretty pout. “She’s always hovering. Every time I turn around, there she is, scowling at me. It’s positively maddening. I’m a grown, married woman, Daniel. I don’t require a nursemaid.”

“You agreed to all this before we left, Ellie. Remember? For the good of the child.”

“I realize if I hadn’t dispatched with McTavish the way I had, they’d not be hunting a cabin boy named Ellis, and we’d be in Newquay awaiting the birth instead of trekking across an ocean while I’m on this condition with mother in tow. But being the size of a rum barrel doesn’t mean I’m completely useless, you know?”

“Nobody said you were useless, El. We just want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Not doing too much. Besides, it won’t be much longer. If the weather holds, we could even make port a day early.” Daniel brushed a flaming red tendril from her cheek and smiled, his heart bursting with love for his headstrong wife. His match in every way.

There you have it. I’m so much more excited about this story than I expected to be. I really do love it. Now, aren’t you all as excited for the release of this tale as I am?

Yes, I know I’m not exactly known for my patience. No need to remind me. 😛

Hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday!

Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop Winners! #CalloftheSea #Giveaway

HolidayGiveaway2012_thumb copy

I’m just stopping in this chilly Saturday evening to announce the winners of my little part of the Mistletoe Madness Bog Hop, which ended last night at Midnight EST. First off, I want to thank everyone who entered and followed on Facebook and Twitter. I really appreciate all the comments and making so many great new “friends”.

Now — to the fun part. Here are the randomly selected winners:

Grand Prize – A signed print copy of CALL OF THE SEA

Judy Peterson


Runners Up – A signed CALL OF THE SEA Bookmark

Sherry Johnson

Kimberly Holgate

Huge congratulations to all three winners. I will be in touch with you by email to get your mailing addresses so I can send out the prizes.

Once again, a big thank you to everyone who stopped by during the Hop, who commented, followed and entered.

Happy Holidays!!