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Review: Bite by Jenny Lyn (@JennyLynwrites) #erotic #romance #eBook

Bite by Jenny Lyn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Let me start by saying I really loved the cover of this erotic short when I had the opportunity to check it out recently. I have a weakness for men in aprons and an obsession with Gordon Ramsey, so this one really piqued my interest.

I was not disappointed. The story follows culinary disaster, Elle Connor to a cooking class run by a the owner of BITE, a very popular local restaurant. Kevin also happens to host a local TV cooking segment that Elle is obsessed with — and not because she cares anything about cooking.

I don’t do spoilers in my reviews, so I will stay away from the broader plot points and stick to my overall impressions. I found the dialog witty and the relationship between Elle and Kevin sweet and steamy in all the right places. While I think the story could have used a bit more in the way of tightening through the editing process, I found the author’s voice appealing and the characters likable and “real”.

A great steamy short perfect for a single sitting with enough romance and steam to keep this erotic romance dish tasty and satisfying.

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