Book Review: Charlinder’s Walk by Alyson Miers #dystopian (@novelpublicity)

Charlinder's Walk
Charlinder’s Walk by Alyson Miers
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I would preface this review by stating that I have not read a great deal of dystopian fiction, nor am I a huge fan of futuristic tales, but Charlinder’s Walk wasn’t quite what I expected it would be going into the novel. The story is presented with a more fantasy feel, than a sci-fi futuristic style, which I did appreciate and respond well to.

Charlinder’s walk is the tale of a teacher in 2130, Charlinder, who decides to embark on a journey to learn the origins of the plague that ravaged the planet in 2012. He is rather unprepared for what he might find, but intent to learn all he can about the past and the causes of the plague with the hope he, and his people may find a way to keep it from happening again.

Ms Miers writing style is easy to read and understand, while not losing any of it’s descriptive qualities. Some of the longer diary sequences in the novel I found a bit distracting — not for their content or the times when the author breaks to them, but the large sections of italics text were a little tough on my eyes and I found each time they popped up, I was jarred a bit from the depths of the tale and had to work my way back into it.

Im not one to post spoilers in my reviews, so I won’t go heavy into the plotline, but would state that the story explores Charlinder’s voyage to adulthood in a world much bigger than he’d ever expected when he started his trek. It also touches on religious ideals, gender roles, and holistic healing methods. All interesting stuff.

I would suggest Charlinder’s Walk without reservation to any dystopian fiction fans, or anyone interested in a well written coming of age tale with some really interesting and unique plot twists.

View all my reviews

Novel Publicity Blog Tour Notes:

Wanna win a $50 gift card or an autographed copy of Charlinder’s Walk? Well, there are two ways to enter…

  1. Leave a comment on my blog. One random commenter during this tour will win a $50 gift card. For the full list of participating blogs, visit the official Charlinder’s Walk tour page.
  2. Enter the Rafflecopter contest!  I can’t host Rafflecopter here, but visit the Official Tour Page to enter.

About the author:

Alyson Miers was born into a family of compulsive readers and thought it would be fun to get on the other side of the words. She attended Salisbury University, where she majored in English Creative Writing for some reason, and minored in Gender Studies. In 2006, she did the only thing a 25-year-old with a B.A. in English can do to pay the rent: joined the Peace Corps. At her assignment of teaching English in Albania, she learned the joys of culture shock, language barriers and being the only foreigner on the street, and got Charlinder off the ground. She brought home a completed first draft in 2008 and, between doing a lot of other stuff such as writing two other books, she managed to ready it for publication in 2011. She regularly shoots her mouth off at her blog, The Monster’s Ink, when she isn’t writing fiction or holding down her day job. She lives in Maryland with her computer and a lot of yarn. Connect with Alyson on her website,blog, Facebook,Twitter or GoodReads.

Get Charlinder’s Walk on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

About Bex Brennan

I never know what to put here. I assume something witty to make you think I'm interesting. But, Im just me -- a published erotica writer, single parent with a day job. I love my kids, writing, my boyfriend (life partner sounds ridiculous), my dog and going to camp on the weekends. *shrugs* That's all I got for ya.

Posted on May 15, 2012, in Dystopian, Fiction, Giveaway, Novel Reviews, Reviews and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. The story is presented with a more fantasy feel, than a sci-fi futuristic style, which I did appreciate and respond well to.

    What a nice thing to hear! Thanks for giving my book a chance.


  2. Great review Bex. I really enjoy dystopian so I might check this one out. 🙂 Thanks for the recommendation.


  3. Another great review, Bex, and a nice point about the italics, too. Sometimes we don’t even think about this stuff until readers point it out, so thank you! I look forward to taking up with Charlinder once I finish Insurgent. Don’t forget to cross-post to Amazon and GoodReads <#


  4. Lovely review! I agree that the book is easy and enjoyable to read. I’ve yet to finish it, but I need to post my review once I do! Thanks for your thoughts (:



  5. Great review and I happen to know the author :0) I really need to hurry up on my reading list, so many great books waiting!


  6. I’m not huge on sci-fi either so I was a bit concerned when I saw that this was a dystopian, futuristic tale. But as you mentioned, it was more fantasy than sci fi and had a great little journey to keep me entertained.


  7. Hey, Bex, I’m just popping in to let you know that your complaint about the italics has not gone unheeded. While I haven’t yet made a lot of noise about it, I just posted the Book Club Edition, which includes some changes in formatting, such as de-italicizing the journal entries. There’s also a new cover, which you can see here:


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