Category Archives: Blog Hops

Beach Reads Blog Hop: And the winners are… #giveaway



Welcome back blog followers and newbies… it is time to announce the winners of my little corner of Roane Publishing’s Beach Reads Blog Hop. I’ve run all of the entries through th randomizer and here are the results…

The winner of teh Grand Prize — a signed print copy of FOR THE LOVE OF MUPRHY is:


Valarie Clarizio

And the winner of the runner-up prize — a eBook of their choice from my backlist is: (Since I have a limited number of titles published as Rebecca Hart and I also have been published under an erotic pen name, you can choose any title from either author’s backlist (Rebecca Hart or R. Brennan).

You can find a list of my erotic publications at (right sidebar).


Tina B.


Congratulations to the winners! You will be receiving an email from me shortly, so keep an eye out for it.

A BIG thank you to all of you who participated and visited over the course of the HOP, and also to Roane Publishing for hosting such  fun event.

See you all next time!

Beach Reads Blog Hop: What are you reading this summer? #Giveaway #InquiringMinds #Kindle



Welcome one and all to my little corner of Roane Publishing’s Beach Reads Blog Hop. Glad you have you with me.

Blog Hops are a great way to get to know knew authors, score some sweet prizes, and in the case of my blog, share your summer read for this year.

That’s right, in order to score a chance to win my giveaway, you’ve got to comment below with what you will be reading this summer. What book has you psyched to hit the beach?

For me, I am looking forward to digging into the ARC copies I managed to score at BEA this year. Tops on the list — THE SWEET SPOT by Stephanie Evanovich (who I loved meeting at BEA, coincidentally).

What page turner can you not wait to tear into this year? Share your pick and you could win one of two prizes…

My grand prize…

Murphy_CoverA signed PRINT copy of FOR THE LOVE OF MURPHY anthology, which includes my story, A Slippery Slope.

I’m also offering a 2nd place prize of one eBook of choice from my backlist. You can find a listing of my titles in the blog’s sidebar on the left side of the page. The eCopy can be in ePUB, MOBI, or PDF.

So make sure you tell me what book you’re looking forward to reading this summer. Make sure your answer is unique. Copied and pasted entries will be disqualified.

Couldn’t be more simple, right?

Oh!! Almost forgot… Be sure to leave me your email address, so I can get in touch with you should you be chosen as the randomly selected winner of either of the prizes I’m offering for the hop.

The blog hop host, Roane Publishing is offering up a Kindle Paperwhite as a grand prize, so make sure you swing by there and enter that giveaway once you’ve left your reading suggestion in the comments below.

Here’s a link to the giveaway to make it easy for you. 🙂

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

While you’re there entering the giveaway, make sure you hit up the Link list below and visit all of the other sites participating in the hop. There are a slew of amazing prizes to be had.

Click here to view the Linky Tools list…

The hop ends July 18th, so be sure to get your entries in before then.

Best of luck in all the giveaways!!!


#Review: For the Love of Murphy: A Sweet Romance Anthology #NewRelease #Giveaway #BlogTour

For the Love of Murphy
For the Love of Murphy by Lisa A. Adams

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a wonderful anthology this was to read. The stories are sweet and light, many of the characters, adorable in their bad-luck, clumsiness.

The anthology starts with No Wrong Turns by Lisa A. Adams — a story where the main character is just starting out on her own. Leaving the protections of home and family to strike out and hopefully succeed. Like all the stories in this anthology, a series of vehicular mishaps and a lost wallet bring the MCs, Jessica and Sean together. Adorable.

Falling for You by Michelle Ziegler is the tale of a single lady, Darci, who has the worst luck imaginable finding a suitable match in the world of online profiles and blind dates. Of all the stories, this one held the most humor, and there were places where I found myself nodding in agreement or laughing out loud. A fun read.

Coffee and Cufflinks was probably my favorite of the bunch. Being an office geek, I was able to really enjoy this story about the corporate world and dealing with a client who is less than ideal. The studly water bearing hero, Daren, sounds yummy!!

A Slippery Slope — I will reserve my thoughts on this one, as I wrote it under my mainstream pen name. Suffice to say, it is good 😛

The anthology closes with The Shamrock Incident by London Saint James, the perfect ending to this sweet collection. With the main character working in her florist shop during the St. Paddy’s Day rush, Marissa and Treys lives literally crash together, and the romance begins to fly. I really enjoyed the authentic feel of this story, and I really felt connected to the main character, Marissa. Excellent writing, and a wonderful ending — to the story, and the anthology.

I highly recommend this one to anyone who enjoys quirky, real feeling romance stories written on the sweet side. And, I am happy to report the heat rating on this one is low enough I was actually able to recommend it to my mother. Hooray!

View all my reviews

44106-murphy_coverFor the Love of Murphy

Publisher: Roane Publishing
Release Date: Mar. 17, 2014
Key Words: Adult, Romance, Sweet, Contemporary, Anthology
They say love conquers all, but whoever “they” are, must not have heard of Murphy’s Law — whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
These five tales of sweet, accidental romance prove Cupid’s arrows are a lot tougher than they seem, and sometimes it pays to be unlucky.
No Wrong Turns by Lisa A. Adams

Jessica Brannah is escaping from her last heartbreak with a loaded car and a new address. But, when Murphy’s Law finds her stranded in a back country town, she realizes there’s no outrunning love.

Falling For You by Michelle Ziegler

Darci’s ready to move on. Too bad the dating pool stinks. Until, a ghost from her past resurfaces—the man she missed out on in college.

Andrew was the one man she’d always loved, but neither of them ever made a move. But, old feelings aren’t the only thing resurfacing of late. Darci’s ex comes crawling back at the most inappropriate time, and with all the testosterone flying, she might not end up with either man.

Coffee and Cufflinks by Annabelle Blume

Fresh out of a failed relationship and exhausted by a constant barrage of fiascos at work, Olivia Johnson doesn’t see the man of her dreams standing right in front of her. She tells herself the morning coffee meet-ups with Daren are nothing but coincidence, but even she can’t deny his unequivocal attractiveness. When a night entertaining clients takes a turn for the worst, and Daren shows up where she least expects him, failure starts to look more like fate.

A Slippery Slope by Rebecca Hart

Anne Montgomery is psyched for her girl’s only weekend, despite her friends’ choice of vacation locale—the snowy slopes of Harris Peak Ski Resort—where someone as notoriously accident prone as she has no business being. When Murphy’s Law finally catches up with her, Anne is forced to consider there may be times when it pays to be unlucky.

The Shamrock Incident by London Saint James

Florist, Marissa Carmichael isn’t usually a klutz, but she’s in a hurry and having a bad day. In her haste, she loses her balance and tumbles from the back room of her shop, arms flailing. Her less than graceful entrance halted by a headfirst crash into a display case chock full of silk flowers.

Trey Cleary didn’t think his day could get any worse, until he finds. himself picking the side view mirror of his BMW up from the ground. On a mission to do something about it, he locates the flower shop matching the name on the back of the van that mangled his ‘baby’. But, his car is forgotten when a beautiful woman bursts into the room like an out of control whirling dervish, and takes one mother of a wipeout into the shop’s counter. Coming to her aid brings out the hero in him like no one he’s ever encountered, and leaves him with a need to know more.

For Marissa and Trey, this just might be the one time it pays to be unlucky.

Purchase Links:

Also Available at These Fine Retailers:


Amazon UK
Barnes and Noble

Tour Schedule
Book Blitz and Tour-wide Giveaway
$10 Amazon Gift card & paperback copy of
For the Love of Murphy
Ends 4/11/2014

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code. No purchase necessary, but you must be 18 or older to enter. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter, and announced on the widget. Winner will be notified by emailed and have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. The number of entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Roane Publishing’s marketing department. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

The Winner of the Love Scene Blog Hop is… #giveaway @evernightpub #Erorom


I have run the entries through the randomizer (read: a hat with a number for each comment logged where one is chosen by my 13yr old daughter) and come up with the winner of my giveaway in the Evernight Publishing Love Scene Blog Hop.


And the winner is…



Congratulations!  You are the winner of the Evernight Gift Card and your choice of any eBook from my backlist. My backlist can be found on the right sidebar of the blog. Look for an email from me shortly with the details. 🙂

Thanks to everyone for hopping along with us. Here’s hoping you found some steamy love scenes to enjoy and developed a few obsessions with some new authors as well.

Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!


Evernight Publishing Love Scene Blog Hop and #Giveaway #ValentinesDay #Erotic #Romance


Welcome to the Book Nook. So glad you could stop by for my little piece of Evernight Publishing’s Love Scene Blog Hop. I am quite excited to have you here. *happy dance*

Since the theme of this HOP is love scenes, I thought I would share with you a bit of a love scene from my latest Evernight release, LOCK, STOCK, and SPANK HER, which is one of 6 stories in Evernight’s Crimson Rope anthology… which by the way, was a Predator’s and Editors Top 10 Erotic Romance for 2013. *cue confetti*

Pay special attention to the little clip I post, as there will be a question asked at the end. One you must answer in the comments to be qualified for my giveaway.

Bet you’re wondering now what I am giving away… welp, this time around I am offering one lucky winner the choice of any eBook from my backlist, as well as a $10 Evernight Publishing Gift Card.

Here is your teaser first…

* * * *

While the collar he’d made Mia was breathtaking, Beth decided she would much prefer the pretty blue sapphires in the pile than the emerald jewels that adorned that one. She picked one up, held it up to the light and marveled at the way the gem sparkled, tossing its refracted color onto the plain white walls.

“They are almost as beautiful as you are. Almost.”

Beth dropped the sapphire stone on the dresser and whipped about. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

His grin jumpstarted her pulse. “Yes, I see that.” He crossed to her in three long strides, his proximity stealing all the air from the room, and her lungs. “Hello, angel. I’m so glad you came.”

“Hello again, Sir.”

Before she could say another word, think another thought, Alexander grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. His mouth crushed hers in a bruising kiss.

Beth melted against him, her arms sliding up to encircle his neck. She welcomed the feel of his body pressed against hers and savored the taste of his forceful lips.

Alexander growled and pressed forward, backing Beth against the wall beside the dresser. His hands found her wrists and pinned them above her head while his mouth continued to ravish hers. He held her wrists immobile with one hand, the other sliding down her side to the hem of her skirt. With minimal effort, he managed to hike it up above her waist. Hot lips kissed a trail of fire along the column of her throat. His voice vibrated against her racing pulse. He drew back enough to capture her gaze, his lips curling in a wicked grin. “Now that we’ve gotten the vanilla out of the way.”

She gasped for air, desperate for the feel of his hands on her body. “Take me, Sir. Please.” Her voice was little more than a whimper.

Growling, he captured her lower lip with his teeth, held it for a heart beat, and released it. “Oh, I intend to, angel.” Alexander grabbed hold of her wrist and drew her with him to the bed, dropping onto it as he hauled her against him. With a hand to her back, and a twist of her torso, Alexander had her positioned across his thighs, ass in the air, and hair hanging about her in a tawny curtain that reached to the floor. “But, first, we have some unfinished business. You still have two more coming, girl. A good master never forgets.”

* * * * 

If you are interested in picking up a copy of THE CRIMSON ROPE anthology, you can get it here:

Evernight Publishing  |  Amazon  |  Amazon UK  | Barnes and Noble

Now, without further ado, here is my question. You must leave your answer in the comments section, along with your email address to be entered in the drawing for the prizes. Copied and Pasted Entries will be deleted!


A random winner will be selected from all entries received. You must leave an email address with your comment so I can reach you if you are selected as my winner.

Now, if all this isn’t enough to get you hot and bothered… Evernight is also having a huge giveaway to celebrate the event. They will be selecting one commentor to give a $100 VISA gift card. Nice, right?  So make sure to leave a comment below.

Please make sure to swing by the other sites participating in the HOP as well. Each blog or website will be offering their own giveaways, plus comments on the other blogs will also count as entries for the GRAND PRIZE — so make your thoughts known!

Below is a link to the list of participating blogs.

Powered by Linky Tools

Click here to view this Linky  list…

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Happy 1st Birthday to Evernight Teen! #Giveaway #BlogHop #BloodHex

ET BDay BlogHop graphic

EVERNIGHT TEEN turns one this month and I’m helping them celebrate during their 1st Birthday Blog Hop!  It’s EVERNIGHT TEEN’s birthday but you get the presents. Enter below for a chance to win a $100 iTunes gift card! 

EVERNIGHT TEEN books feature fresh teen fiction that’s raw, gritty and real. Whether paranormal, contemporary, sci-fi or suspense, EVERNIGHT TEEN stories are about real issues and pack a strong emotional punch. You’ll find cutting edge fiction that today’s young adults can relate to and will keep you turning the pages long into the night. Upper Young Adult titles, include…


 Blood Hex by Erin Butler 

Two girls. Four centuries. One curse. 

Isabella started it—all because a boy fell in love with her—but it ends with Sarah. 

Isabella and Thomas meet in secret during the witching hours while the rest of the villagers hide behind locked doors. And even though Isabella’s scared, she wants Thomas more. He’ll protect her from the night, from his father who’ll decide her future, and from the paranoia-fueled hunting parties taking away innocents. 

Centuries later, seventeen-year old Sarah runs away to an aunt she never knew she had. Her dad? Dead. Her mother? A liar. She wants the memories of a father she never got, but instead, discovers her father’s death wasn’t innocent. Everyone—the Wiccans, the townies, even her quasi-boyfriend—is hiding something. The history-rich town has a secret they will kill to keep, entangling Sarah into a centuries old witch curse.

14+ due to violence and adult situations 

Blood Hex by Erin Butler is now 25% off at Evernight Teen until January 31st!

Leave a comment about Blood Hex below for a chance to win an Evernight Teen eBook of your choice. Then follow the Rafflecopter link below to enter the grand prize of a $100 iTunes gift certificate.

 A Rafflecopter Giveaway

Evernight Publishing Birthday Bash Blog Hop #giveaway #erotic #romance #BDayBashHop

EP BDay BH button

Celebrate like a ROCK STAR because Evernight Publishing is THREE!

In three short years, Evernight has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to readers like you! Evernight is pulling out all the stops and throwing an extreme BIRTHDAY BASH BLOG HOP in your honor!

That’s right! It’s Evernight’s birthday but YOU get the presents…

Prizes include:

Samsung Galaxy Tab

Kindle Paperwhite

Kobo Touch

$100 Evernight and Amazon Gift Certificates

Mega Evernight Swag Pack

Plus, each author on the hop will offer his/her own special prize!

As an author, I’m thrilled to share my stories with you and Evernight helps make my books shine! Here’s one reason why I love Evernight Publishing:

I’ve been submitting my erotic stories for the past two years and Evernight Publishing has been my favorite publisher to date. Why?

Because aside from the great authors they have, many of whom have become good friends, their staff is second to none when it comes to offering support to their authors. Not once have I felt shuffled off or ignored, and in a business that can be cutthroat at time, it is quite a refreshing change. That sort of loyalty is one of the biggest reasons I think so many of their authors stick with them. We feel like part of the family. Not just as a slogan or catch phrase, but genuinely involved.

I love that about Evernight.

I’m over the moon excited to have a chance to take part in their 3rd Birthday celebration.

For my little part of the hop, I have decided to host a Rafflecopter giveaway of my own — offering entrants a chance at a $10 Evernight Publishing Gift Card as the Grand Prize, and a runner-up prize of the winner’s choice of either of my Evernight titles — Vanilla-Free Christmas or a Leap of Faith.

So you have an idea what you can win there, here is the info on each of the titles being offered as prizes. If you are interested in grabbing a copy rather than waiting to see if you won, click on the book images in the right sidebar and they will take you to the purchase pages for each title.


VANILLA-FREE CHRISTMAS (An Evernight Anthology)

This Christmas, the best gifts are waiting for those who have been naughty…

And the toys under the tree are not for children. Sexy Santas, naughty elves, and dominant shifters are ready to spread some very kinky Christmas cheer. It’s a good thing the ladies in our stories are looking for anything but vanilla.


9 Author Kink Anthology~
Santa’s Beard by Doris O’Connor
The Olympian by Sandra Bunino
Three in a Tub by Giselle Renarde
A Few of My Favorite Things by Seleste deLaney
The Man Inside by Lila Shaw
Who’s Been Naughty and Nice? by Vanessa Devereaux
Secrets Santa by Raven McAllan
Faith’s Gift by R. Brennan
A Very Furry Christmas by Jorja Lovett
* * * * * 


Roses and Thorns, 1

New submissive, Faith Daniels, is completely infatuated with her amazing Dominant, Richard Halstead. So when he sends her a summons via text message a full day before they had plans to meet, she can barely contain her excitement.

But, Richard didn’t just invite her over for a play date. Not this time. He has a proposition for Faith. One that could change the rest of her life.

Be Warned: BDSM, anal sex, sex toys, pet play

* * * * *

I bet you are wondering how you get yourself entered to win all these fabulous prizes.

To Enter to Win the Grand Prizes offered by Evernight Publishing, visit their Rafflecopter link here:

To Enter to Win the $10 Evernight Publishing Gift Card or choice of the eBooks above, just answer this question in the comments section,

What is the best birthday gift you ever received?

then visit my rafflectoper link to register your entry. The link to the rafflectopter giveaway can be found on my website (which lets me host rafflectoper). Just Click HERE to get to it.

Thanks so much for coming by to celebrate with me. I can’t wait to see your answers. Hoping some of you will have amazing and unique gift ideas to share with the rest of us.

Happy Hopping and Happy Birthday to Evernight Publishing!!

You can Hop to the next stop here:

Also, before you go….

It’s the perfect time to buy the Evernight titles on your TBR list, as well as new gems you find during the event, because Evernight’s entire backlist is on sale at and through October 7th!

And the Lovestruck #Giveaway Blog Hop Winner is…


The time has come to put all the entries through the randomizer and select a winner of the eBook copy of my debut novel, Call of the Sea.

Here goes…

And the winner is:

Eva Millien!!

Congratulations. Keep an eye on your email, as I will be sending one along right away to find out what file type you prefer for your prize.

Thanks to everyone who stopped and participated in the hop. Special thanks to Under the Covers Book Blog for hosting the event.

See you next time!

My Dirty Birdies Flock Hop Winner Announced! #giveaway #bloghop


Now that the Hop has come to an end, it’s time to announce my randomly selected winner of the signed Caveman calendar and the choice of eBook.

All the entries have been run through the randomizer and the winner is:

Joy F

Congratulations, Joy! Watch your email for a note from me. Will need a shipping address for the calendar and your choice of free eBook.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by and participated in the hop. You all provided me with a great list of new man candy to oggle. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. I mean, I can’t stare at Johnny forever…or can I?

See you all next time 🙂

Dirty Birdies Flock Hop: I’m Flocking Late…Again (but there’s a #giveaway)


So… it occurred to me at 9:25pm this evening that I was supposed to have written and posted this…OOPS. Falling behind seems to be my theme for this summer. My hearty apologies to you all for my lack of organization.

I’m actually quite excited about this hop, and looking at the list of participants, you should be too. Since the theme of this particular hop is eyecandy…and I just love me some of that. There’s Man-candy, cover whore eye-candy, hot chic eyecandy…so many lovely things.

Let’s stick with my favorite… MAN Candy. I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to this particular sweet *grins*

By far, my absolute favorite piece if eyecandy? I’m so glad you asked.

Here he is…


Does it get more beautiful? Truly?

What about you guys? Who is your Eye Candy indulgence?

One lucky commentor will win a signed “Caveman” calendar (courtesy of Ellora’s Cave) — talk about eye candy. *fans self* I had a chance to meet a few of the gents gracing this calendar, and let me tell you, they are just as hot in person. The chosen winner will also receive an eBook copy of their choice between my two most recent releases, A LEAP OF FAITH and BLOOD and FIRE.


Blood and Fire Cover

I think you can’t go wrong either way *winks*

You can learn more about either of these titles by clicking on their cover images in the right sidebar of this blog.

Make sure you leave your email address along with your comment so I can reach you if you are selected as my winner. And you must answer the question in BOLD above to be eligible to win.

Oh! Don’t forget to stop by the list of other blogs participating in the Hop and enter to win bunches of other prizes as well.

Here is the LINK

Happy Hopping!